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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
You can call me Terizon. I was playing a few games the other day and decided to try jungle Veigar. Of course, my teammates were yelling "NOOB qq smd l2p you suck plastic 5 so stupid!" but I really didn't care cause I got fed. The goal of a jungle veigar is to get your kills and carry your team to Victory without feeding. I recommend this guide to more advanced players who know what they're doing.
Remember with Veigar Jungle, you can kick some major ***.
With your Q fully farmed from all those jungle creeps your AP should be pretty darn high. The more the merrier. Having ALL AP runes will not only increase your damage but it'll make your beginning AP awesome.
Seal of Ability Power x9
+0.59 (9) =
Mark of Ability Power x9
+0.59 (9) =
Glyph of Ability Power x9
+1.2 (9) =
Quint of Spell Vamp x3
+2% (3) =
Quint of Ability Power x3
+4.95 (3) =
Your starting AP (not to even mention Masteries) would end up being
about 36.
You can also pick to use Spell Vamp Quints for a little boost on the health you steal. Spell Vamp takes the amount of AP damage you deal and give a fraction of it back to your health just like Life Steal except for AP champions.
Let the bodies hit the floor.
With your Q fully farmed from all those jungle creeps your AP should be pretty darn high. The more the merrier. Having ALL AP runes will not only increase your damage but it'll make your beginning AP awesome.
Seal of Ability Power x9
+0.59 (9) =
Mark of Ability Power x9
+0.59 (9) =
Glyph of Ability Power x9
+1.2 (9) =
Quint of Spell Vamp x3
+2% (3) =
Quint of Ability Power x3
+4.95 (3) =
Your starting AP (not to even mention Masteries) would end up being
about 36.
You can also pick to use Spell Vamp Quints for a little boost on the health you steal. Spell Vamp takes the amount of AP damage you deal and give a fraction of it back to your health just like Life Steal except for AP champions.
Let the bodies hit the floor.
4 points in Sorcery
2 points in Butcher
4 points in Blast
1 point in Arcane Knowledge
1 point in Havoc
3 points in Mental Force
1 point in Spellsword
4 points in Archmage
1 point in Executioner
Offense 21
4 points in Durability
2 points in Tough Skin
1 point in Bladed Armor
1 point in Hardiness
1 point in Veteran's Scars
Defense 9
2 points in Butcher
4 points in Blast
1 point in Arcane Knowledge
1 point in Havoc
3 points in Mental Force
1 point in Spellsword
4 points in Archmage
1 point in Executioner
Offense 21
4 points in Durability
2 points in Tough Skin
1 point in Bladed Armor
1 point in Hardiness
1 point in Veteran's Scars
Defense 9
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