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Recommended Items
Runes: Agressive, V1 Build recomended
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order First Build V1. (V3 Upgrade only!)
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
he counter's with E, goes through your wall if he hits you then he can ult back. if you use your ult
Time everything good!
Champion Build Guide
Stack a lot!
Save your stat!
Don't die per minute!
U need to Roam if you want. there is a chance your laner playing safe and you can't kill
Vs counter you start whit zhonya and try to trade well whit your enemy.
Help your team and get feeded ;)
Basic oneshot: E AA W (Electrocute)-(Arcane comet) Q AA R
poke Combo :E AA W (Electrocute)-(Arcane comet) Q
Before lvl 6 Oneshot :E AA W AA Q (Electrocute)-(Arcane comet)Q AA Ignite
First back buy boots and Hourglass
Veigar on lvl 6: you can oneshot your enemy with support!
Don't let enemy's poke you hard! Start whit the wall and focus enemy ADC! or the support just get feeded!
Spam that combo but be carefull at your mana! Then you can oneshot him!
10 min= 40 stacks
15 min= 70 stacks
20 min= 100 stacks
35 min= 190 stacks
10 min= 60 stacks
15 min= 90 stacks
20 min= 130 stacks
35 min= 250 stacks
10 min= 80 stacks
15 min= 140 stacks
20 min= 210 stacks
35 min= 400 stacks
You can stack but vs counter it's going to be hard but you can make it!
Problems starts when you Die vs counter at early game!
Stacking is important!
you need to help your team! You need to be in teamfights!
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