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Runes: Basic, Safe.
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Organic Deconstruction (PASSIVE)
Vel'Koz Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Relatively obvious. It's Fizz and you're immobile.
Do the math.
Tons of CC for free combos.
Tons of CC for free combos.
Champion Build Guide
My name is Rachichu , and I am a

While I am not the best, I am incredibly passionate about this champion, and would love to help in any way I can. I have played

I currently stream

Thankyou, and enjoy my first guide. :)
Pros and Cons.
★ Potential for very high, consistent DPS.
★ Difficult to Itemize against.
★ Very adaptive Playstyles.
★ Simplistic Kit and Combos (with Practice).
★ Good amount of Synergies.
★ Very good Kiting Mage.
★ Very Squishy.
★ Immobile.
★ Difficult Playstyles despite being versatile.
★ Requires good knowledge of other champions.
★ Requires good knowledge of wave manipulation.
★ Requires good knowledge of power spikes.
It is important to note that while the last three cons are listed, they are also things that I am currently struggling with. I do believe success on

Runes and Itemisation.



Taking 3 points into your W after a single point in Q allows you to clear the wave quickly and effectively.
Timing your

Utilizing the

To give a short summary, this start allows you to potentially back and buy a

Your early game as

Plasma Fission.
Speaking of your Q, this is probably the ability

In mid, angles are important, but not as much as you may think. The first few Q's will nearly always be to see how your opponent dodges - which will then determine how you throw your Q.
Vel'koz is less about skill, more about knowledge.
Outside of the Lane.
Outside of the laning phase,

Depending on the team composition, and whether you can reliably oneshot someone -

4D Chess.
Taking your time is important, especially when side laning with TP.

Unfortunately, I can't teach it in words. It's something you'll have to spend time learning, and simply practicing match-ups for yourself. You may find yourself being able to deal with

More will be added to this guide soon, for now, please enjoy this! - Rachichu :)
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