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Recommended Items
Runes: Max Burst
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If Hecarim manages to miss both his E and his R you might have a chance. Try to avoid him.
Champion Build Guide

Basically I wanted to play


When would you build Crit Vi?
Play with this build whenever your team has a frontline and the enemy does not. Build these items into a squishy enemy team.
Pros and Cons
+ You deal a lot of damage in a very short time while still being a good duelist.

+ Crit

- If you get cc'd you are very easy to kill.
- Weak into a Tanky team.

In this Combo guide, AA stands for Auto-Attack.
The easiest combo only uses your E while also triggering

AA > E > AA After the last AA, your W and Electrocute will trigger.
Engaging Combo, mostly used for ganking or closing the gap between you and your enemy.
Q > AA > E As your Q applies a stack of your W, you will trigger your W and Electrocute.
All-in Combo for the most amount of CC on a single enemy.
Q > AA > E > AA > E > R
Whenever the enemy is running away, you can catch up with the using Q or R.

If you want to gank top first, you start bot and if you want to gank bot first, you start top.

Starting from Blue: Blue Buff, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Krugs
Starting from Red: Red Buff, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Gromp
After this clear I always try to get at least 1 Rift Scuttler and then I start looking where I can gank.
From the first gank on, every game is different. Try to balance ganking and farming. Pro tip: never waste time. No matter where you are going, take camps that are on the way to your destination. Taking camps and ganking means you are getting XP which means you are getting stronger.
Whenever the enemy jungler dies, invade their jungle and place vision wards (Control Wards or Stealth Wards). Don't be afraid to take their camps as you can use your Q to get away. Taking the enemy jungler's camps means you are denying them XP which puts you and your team ahead.

You want to be rushing the Noonquiver as well as the Berserker Greaves. They give you a good powerspike in the early game and are not too expensive.
The main items you want to be getting are

Why Galeforce?

I chose

As a fifth item I chose to go for

As a final item, I wanted to be able to fight tanks as well. Because this build focuses champions that don't build a lot of armor, you will have a hard time fighting tanks. For this reason I chose to go for

The stats that you get from these items are:
- Attack Damage
- Attack Speed
- Critical Strike Chance & Critical Strike Damage
- Armor Penetration
- Movement Speed
At Level 18 with Full Build you will have the following stats:
Attack Damage: 373
Attack Speed: 1.40 (1.397/second)
Critical Strike Chance: 100%
Armor Penetration: 35%
Movement Speed: 428
To minions you will deal 1,000 damage per Auto-Attack.
To a Dragon with 51 Armor your Auto-Attack deals 708 Damage and your E deals 1,387 Damage.
To a Champion with 100 Armor you deal 475 Damage with a normal Auto-Attack. Your E deals 743 Damage and the W trigger deals 579 Damage with a normal Auto-Attack and 847 with your E.
Try to splitpush whenever you can. If you are ahead of the enemy jungler, you can most likely 1v1 anyone of the enemy team.
If you can't splitpush, just stick with your team and make as many picks as you can. Thin the enemy team out and then push for an objective (Turret, Inhibitor, Dragon, Baron).
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