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Vi Build Guide by WhoopaChups



Updated on February 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WhoopaChups Build Guide By WhoopaChups 9,846 Views 7 Comments
9,846 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WhoopaChups Vi Build Guide By WhoopaChups Updated on February 10, 2014
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emoriam (287) | February 11, 2014 2:53am
Runes are okay (In the cheat sheet you just show 8 instead of 9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage).

That's it sorry, the rest is **** to be honest.

Think of these item: The Brutalizer, Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen etc. but pls no Phantom Dancer or Bloodthirster. Just completely change everything in th cheat sheet because nothing, really nothing is rudimentarily viable, maybe Sunfire Aegis .. that's it.
I'm too lazy to talk about Masteries (no Tough Skin and Bladed Armor , that's the first step) and the guide itself because with this item build I cannot ***sume a good gameplay, sorry.
theyouiporit (33) | February 6, 2014 9:13pm
What did you just add to the build. Phantom Dancer ?!?!?! Really?!?. When you finish your build, you don't upgrade The Brutalizer and Bilgewater Cutlass
. Apart from those item to be wrong, the build is unfinished and you take defense masteries with just a little defense items. You say that she's a tank bruiser, so why don't you take tank items. Sorry but its -1
SmokedCarpenter (53) | February 4, 2014 4:37pm
Yeah...this is like, really incorrect.
theyouiporit (33) | February 3, 2014 10:34pm
I like how you used that Vi code xD. BTW maintained I'm sorry about not connecting I'm playing in las now since I got to silver I. I'm sure that we will have time later
P.S for guide author.DO NOT EVER, EVER POST A GUIDE without finishing it
Maintained (201) | February 3, 2014 2:09pm
iport is right, you should Visualise this guide a little more with BBcode.
WhoopaChups (1) | February 3, 2014 12:56pm

Mmm, you didnt finish your build, and thats really REALLY important. Dont put just core, but all the build and different kinds of build against different type of laners. More BBCoding, learn here if you dont know what is it ---> BBcode.
You have some walls of text, which make a build much more difficlt to read, AKA boring and long, so people wont read it.
And the first start option is not viable in my opinion.
P.S there are some stuff i must be forgetting, but im sure that other people will point them out

Sorry.. Was improvising now...
theyouiporit (33) | February 3, 2014 12:50pm
Mmm, you didnt finish your build, and thats really REALLY important. Dont put just core, but all the build and different kinds of build against different type of laners. More BBCoding, learn here if you dont know what is it ---> BBcode.
You have some walls of text, which make a build much more difficlt to read, AKA boring and long, so people wont read it.
And the first start option is not viable in my opinion.
P.S there are some stuff i must be forgetting, but im sure that other people will point them out
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