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That's it sorry, the rest is **** to be honest.
Think of these item:
I'm too lazy to talk about Masteries (no
. Apart from those item to be wrong, the build is unfinished and you take defense masteries with just a little defense items. You say that she's a tank bruiser, so why don't you take tank items. Sorry but its -1
P.S for guide author.DO NOT EVER, EVER POST A GUIDE without finishing it
Mmm, you didnt finish your build, and thats really REALLY important. Dont put just core, but all the build and different kinds of build against different type of laners. More BBCoding, learn here if you dont know what is it ---> BBcode.
You have some walls of text, which make a build much more difficlt to read, AKA boring and long, so people wont read it.
And the first start option is not viable in my opinion.
P.S there are some stuff i must be forgetting, but im sure that other people will point them out
Sorry.. Was improvising now...
You have some walls of text, which make a build much more difficlt to read, AKA boring and long, so people wont read it.
And the first start option is not viable in my opinion.
P.S there are some stuff i must be forgetting, but im sure that other people will point them out