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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Hi! My name is John and I wanted to make a guide for Vi because i like her playstyle so much. This guide maybe help improve your skill on how about to solo top with her. This is my first guide so please comment helpfull tips to improve my guide or just send me some feedback if you like it.

To Vi, every problem is just another brick wall to punch through with her gigantic hextech gauntlets. Though she grew up on the wrong side of the law, Vi now uses her criminal know-how to serve Piltover's police force. Vi's brash attitude, abrasive humor, and blatant refusal to follow orders can often infuriate her by-the-books partner, Caitlyn. But even the Sheriff of Piltover cannot deny that Vi is an invaluable asset in the fight against crime.
As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of Piltover, Vi learned to rob and cheat to get by. Stealing and stripping hextech hardware gave her the skills of a master mechanic, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was six, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Vi was eleven, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.
Vi's attitude changed when a raid on a mining facility went bad. She was forced to decide between fleeing with her crew and trying to save the innocent mine workers from a collapsed tunnel. Vi chose to play the hero. While searching for a way to free the mine workers from the rubble, she discovered a damaged robotic mining rig. Improvising, she wrenched off its huge fists and modified them into makeshift hextech gauntlets. Fitting the heavy weapons to her tiny hands, the young girl flexed her arm and threw a powered punch at the rubble. The force of the blow blasted away the rock. With the workers free to escape, Vi fled the scene.
After that job gone wrong, Vi severed her connection to the crew. She returned to a life of solitary crime, but stole only from other criminals. As the years went by, Vi modified and improved her hextech fists, allowing her to bust up heists and snatch loot with ease. Eventually, word of her notoriety reached Caitlyn, the famed Sheriff of Piltover. Rather than seek Vi's arrest, Caitlyn offered the criminal a way to pay her debt to society: work for the law in Piltover. Vi laughed. To her, a job that let her beat up crooks without forcing her to run from the cops sounded perfect. She immediately accepted. Caitlyn now struggles to keep Vi in line, and Vi treats Caitlyn's orders as mere suggestions, but when they work together, they are feared by all lawbreakers in Piltover.
''It's a shame. I've got two fists, but you've only got one face.''
-- Vi
As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of Piltover, Vi learned to rob and cheat to get by. Stealing and stripping hextech hardware gave her the skills of a master mechanic, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was six, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Vi was eleven, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.
Vi's attitude changed when a raid on a mining facility went bad. She was forced to decide between fleeing with her crew and trying to save the innocent mine workers from a collapsed tunnel. Vi chose to play the hero. While searching for a way to free the mine workers from the rubble, she discovered a damaged robotic mining rig. Improvising, she wrenched off its huge fists and modified them into makeshift hextech gauntlets. Fitting the heavy weapons to her tiny hands, the young girl flexed her arm and threw a powered punch at the rubble. The force of the blow blasted away the rock. With the workers free to escape, Vi fled the scene.
After that job gone wrong, Vi severed her connection to the crew. She returned to a life of solitary crime, but stole only from other criminals. As the years went by, Vi modified and improved her hextech fists, allowing her to bust up heists and snatch loot with ease. Eventually, word of her notoriety reached Caitlyn, the famed Sheriff of Piltover. Rather than seek Vi's arrest, Caitlyn offered the criminal a way to pay her debt to society: work for the law in Piltover. Vi laughed. To her, a job that let her beat up crooks without forcing her to run from the cops sounded perfect. She immediately accepted. Caitlyn now struggles to keep Vi in line, and Vi treats Caitlyn's orders as mere suggestions, but when they work together, they are feared by all lawbreakers in Piltover.
''It's a shame. I've got two fists, but you've only got one face.''
-- Vi
+ Good farmer (
Relentless Force).
+ Great poke ability.
+ High damage in early game.
+ Initiator that can slit up the enemy team.
+ Epic launcher music !!!
- Really squishy without tanky items.
- Her Q
Vault Breaker is chargable and reduces her movement speed.
- No sustain.
- Kinda hard to master.

+ Good farmer (

+ Great poke ability.
+ High damage in early game.
+ Initiator that can slit up the enemy team.
+ Epic launcher music !!!


- Really squishy without tanky items.
- Her Q

- No sustain.
- Kinda hard to master.
-Blast Shield (Passive).
Vi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.
Her passive can be used to shield yourself before trading hits or if the enemy champion is trying to
tower dive use your ulti to CC him and shield your self for the kill. Also its great defensive tool
in teamfights but it has a cooldown.
-Vault Breaker (Q)
Vi charges her gauntlets and unleashes a vault shattering punch, carrying her forward. Enemy that Vi collides with stop her movement and are knocked back.
Her Q is like a chargable dash that deals damage, knock back the enemy for a short distance. Also, you can use it as an escape tool and gap closer . (Note: Your can use it to escape through walls.)
-Denting Blows (W Passive)
Vi's punches break her opponent's armor, dealing bonus damage and granting her attack speed.
Her W is an armor penetration tool. After 3 auto-attacks she reduce her oppoments armor, deals damage and increase her attacks speed for a short time. (Note: This ability can be combined with a Black Cleaver.)
-Excessive Force (E)
Vi's next attack blasts through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind it.
Her E ability is her primary damage skill. It can be use to AoE farm minnions or poke
the enemies behind his own minnions. It has 2 charges and a short Cooldown. In early game use it
carefully beacause you will propably run out of mana.
-Assault and Battery (R)
Vi runs down an enemy, knocking aside anyone in the way. When she reaches her target she knocks it into the air, jumps after it, and slams it back into the ground.
Her ultimate ability is an aoe knock up that deals great damage. When you use it enemies in front of will will be pushed left and right and the target will knock up with all the foes close to him.
Its very effective in teamfights to split them up or crowd control them.
Vi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.
Her passive can be used to shield yourself before trading hits or if the enemy champion is trying to
tower dive use your ulti to CC him and shield your self for the kill. Also its great defensive tool
in teamfights but it has a cooldown.
-Vault Breaker (Q)
Vi charges her gauntlets and unleashes a vault shattering punch, carrying her forward. Enemy that Vi collides with stop her movement and are knocked back.
Her Q is like a chargable dash that deals damage, knock back the enemy for a short distance. Also, you can use it as an escape tool and gap closer . (Note: Your can use it to escape through walls.)
-Denting Blows (W Passive)
Vi's punches break her opponent's armor, dealing bonus damage and granting her attack speed.
Her W is an armor penetration tool. After 3 auto-attacks she reduce her oppoments armor, deals damage and increase her attacks speed for a short time. (Note: This ability can be combined with a Black Cleaver.)
-Excessive Force (E)
Vi's next attack blasts through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind it.
Her E ability is her primary damage skill. It can be use to AoE farm minnions or poke
the enemies behind his own minnions. It has 2 charges and a short Cooldown. In early game use it
carefully beacause you will propably run out of mana.
-Assault and Battery (R)
Vi runs down an enemy, knocking aside anyone in the way. When she reaches her target she knocks it into the air, jumps after it, and slams it back into the ground.
Her ultimate ability is an aoe knock up that deals great damage. When you use it enemies in front of will will be pushed left and right and the target will knock up with all the foes close to him.
Its very effective in teamfights to split them up or crowd control them.
Greater Mark of Attack Damage
Greater Seal of Armor
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
(Note: I dont use armor penetration marks because of her W's passive.)




(Note: I dont use armor penetration marks because of her W's passive.)

kill enemies in low health that you cant reach. RECOMMENDED

can also, be used to kill enemies under your tower. (Note: If you are going to use it put 1 point
on Summoner's Warth from

You can build Vi in many different ways, so ill list some good items for her.
Boots depends on your lane oppoment.
The combination of those 2 items is epic for an AD team. Also, keep in mind that Vi's passive depends on her health.
This item gives you damage, health and cooldown reduction. Also
this item reduces the armor of her oppoments and its combined very well with her W and that why i
count it as a Core Item for her.
I also count this as a Core Item because of the
Phage and
Zeal's passives that gives her a good damage + slow and some ability power for her E.
Bloodthirster is an offensive item that i choose for Vi cause of him damage stack and lifesteal. You can replace that with another offensive like
Atma's Impaler.
This item gives Vi health and armor. Of course you can replace that
Warmog's Armor,
Frozen Heart or other items that may give u M.Resist. (Note: Depends on team and how fed they are.)
You can also replace this item with Guardian angler,
Wit's End,
Mercurial Scimitar (Hard Crowd Control enemies)or
Banshee's Veil
Generally the three last items of my Standard Build can be replaced with other sustain items.


this item reduces the armor of her oppoments and its combined very well with her W and that why i
count it as a Core Item for her.


Generally the three last items of my Standard Build can be replaced with other sustain items.
The standard rotation if you are at your lane and go 1v1 is :
Relentless Force to poke your enemie by hitting his minnions (Dont overdo it cause
you will run out of mana really fast)
After that wait for 2 charges, use
Vault Breaker then
Relentless Force
then yout ulti
Cease and Desist ,
Vault Breaker and finish him with your E
Relentless Force.
In teamfights i use this rotation:
I open with my ulti
Cease and Desist at the ad/ap carry to Crowd Control him and split the enemy team,
Vault Breaker, and finish him with excessive forse. Keep in mind that your 2 carrys must focus on the target you are on or else you will end all alone between the enemy team.

you will run out of mana really fast)
After that wait for 2 charges, use

then yout ulti

In teamfights i use this rotation:
I open with my ulti

Vi need a good amount of gold to build her. Most player can focus on last hitting minnions or either killing players. If you dont have any kills with her and you are underfarmed try to play deffensivly and farm as much as possible. If now you do have a good farm and a good amount of kills you will be the beast in the game. :)
I reccomend you to farm minnions and poke enemies with
Relentless Force when you can to farm better and push him out of his lane. (if your oppoment is meele it will be easy). If your oppoment is a ranged solo top like
Teemo or
Nidalee they'll counter you easily but try to play defensivly and wait for your jungler.
I reccomend you to farm minnions and poke enemies with

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