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Ability Order
Glorious Evolution (PASSIVE)
Viktor Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He is just annoying. The only reason you don't have an advantage is that he can fill his full health back and in time you will have no mana to kill him. IF you are to ever get caught in crow storm, your lack of mobility will get you killed and his silence is super effective since your a mage...
New Guide Finally Out!
Hello guys, as you know this guide is now quite out-dated. Well good news! My new guide is now published! Learn the reworked
Viktor with all his details in my new guide. Items above are updated yes, but below here is all outdated. Seriously though. Go to my new guide by clicking my new guides name below:
[S4 Reworked Viktor] The Glorious Evolution Taking Place
Hello fellow players! My name is Daedralus and I am currently in Gold Tier! Before we get started I want to mention I started to play

Like I mentioned above, this is my first guide and is actually a practice for me for the upcoming

Ok that was a long thing to read but don't worry, this won't be in my "real" guide so without further ado, LETS GO!
Pros + AoE Stun + Massive Burst Damage + Lazer can be cast while running for turn-arounds + AoE Damage + Has an AoE silence + Out scales about all other mages with ![]() + Try out farming, I guarantee you will enjoy the minion wave burn! |
Cons - Lack of mobility - ![]() ![]() - Hard to master - CC can cause serious problems - Stun is hard to land due to range and its timer - Wasn't your mana bar full just a second ago? |

These are the runes I personally prefer for

If you have been playing

Invisible text!



Invisible text!
If you think there is any other detail I should add to any of these augment discussions, feel free to give a feedback. It is very much appreciated.
I personally always start with

Now here is my example final build with some detail to them.

Other Options You Might Think of:

Im going to keep it simple here. There are 5 things that you can get for

Important notice here that against mega bursty champions you are also going to take

Before we start here is






No matter what other guides say, you should now that

Now I will give a few more examples of why you should not take a second level on your

Now for gravity field. It is much easier to explain as it is a simple utility item that doesn't even get a longer stun time, or a faster stacking timer on it. So it means levelling it up basically does nothing but increase the slow percentage. It will take 1.5 seconds to stun someone and it will stun them for 1.5 seconds from the start of the game, to the end of the game. See? Quite simple reasons really.
I hope that you now understand both why to take

Now to talk about how your going to handle your enemy in landing phase. It is simple really, what I do is whenever they come near me, just shoot

Thinking that your enemy junglier is probably close ranged it isn't really too hard to escape ganks. For example I will give

Ah, now this is where it gets fun! Even from only

What does that mean? Well your

Now it is time to learn your lethal combo that can kill anyone!

For detailed usage of the combo read the spoiler below!

Never use your

As a large number of places say that

Late game, it is true that you do fall off, but not enough to kick you out of the game. The only thing that happens is, some of your enemy tanks will be able to soak up your damage. So the point in

Personally when I am playing other champions of any other lane and a turret is under danger I just wish I was

See you then fellow players!
Here you go:
Making a Guide by jhoijhoi
BBCoding Guide by jhoijhoi
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