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Viktor Build Guide by Daedralus

Middle Viktor - The Creator of Destruction

Middle Viktor - The Creator of Destruction

Updated on October 9, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Daedralus Build Guide By Daedralus 17,395 Views 0 Comments
17,395 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Daedralus Viktor Build Guide By Daedralus Updated on October 9, 2014
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New Guide Finally Out!

Hello guys, as you know this guide is now quite out-dated. Well good news! My new guide is now published! Learn the reworked Viktor with all his details in my new guide. Items above are updated yes, but below here is all outdated. Seriously though. Go to my new guide by clicking my new guides name below:

[S4 Reworked Viktor] The Glorious Evolution Taking Place

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Hello fellow players! My name is Daedralus and I am currently in Gold Tier! Before we get started I want to mention I started to play Viktor from somewhere around Silver 3. After many practice games I went on ranked and actually got to the point of 7 wins and 0 losses until my first loss as him! Then I literally jumped the ladder to Gold! So now I am here for you with this guide so you can also climb the ladder using Viktor!
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Important Notice!!!

I am aware of the upcoming Viktor rework! This is my first guide so I wanted to have somewhat of an experience of making guides so I can actually create a guide for the new Viktor with tons and tons of detail and strategies. I will have videos I will personally record, strategies I will draw, screenshots I will take and just many many more! I hope you still read this guide to get the basic concept of Viktor as he will still be Viktor after the rework! I know of every single change that is going to happen and have all my notes written on paper and as soon as the new patch is released, I will be here, ready with a guide in a few days.

Like I mentioned above, this is my first guide and is actually a practice for me for the upcoming Viktor rework so please do give feedback it is very much appreciated, tell me if there are any mistakes and I will change them.

Ok that was a long thing to read but don't worry, this won't be in my "real" guide so without further ado, LETS GO!
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Pros / Cons

+ AoE Stun
+ Massive Burst Damage
+ Lazer can be cast while running for turn-arounds
+ AoE Damage
+ Has an AoE silence
+ Out scales about all other mages with The Hex Core's passive
+ Try out farming, I guarantee you will enjoy the minion wave burn!
- Lack of mobility
- Hextech Ray is hard to use for new Viktor players
- Hard to master
- CC can cause serious problems
- Stun is hard to land due to range and its timer
- Wasn't your mana bar full just a second ago?

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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

These are the runes I personally prefer for Viktor. It is very important to have magic penetration due to your Hextech Ray so you can achieve its full potential as you can ignore your enemies magic resist. This is why I also prefer Void Staff and Sorcerer's Shoes for additional magic penetration. Take mana regeneration seals to be able to regenerate your mana during the whole game as your Hextech Ray is literally fueled by mana. Think of mana as gas and the ability as fire. A good example really, use it and it just goes fwoosh. Take either scaling, or direct ability power glyphs, its up to you they both basically give the AP you will need. Quints, ability power, no discussion here. Optionals: Seals: Armor, Glyphs: Magic Resist.
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Upgrading Your Augment

If you have been playing Viktor for at least even once, you know that there are 3 augments you can get and a serious discussion over them. Believe me fellow players, Augment: Death always and always, is better than all the other augments in middle lane. For this to not be the choice there has to be an abnormal situation at mid to require you to give up your damage and go tanky as well as destroying your lasers "true power". Now I am here to convince you. So there are 3 augments. Augment: Power, Augment: Gravity and Augment: Death. Lets get over them as in pros and cons. I will keep them in spoiler boxes so its nice and easy to read one by one.
Invisible text!
Augment: Power
Spoiler: Click to view

Augment: Gravity
Spoiler: Click to view

Augment: Death
Spoiler: Click to view

Invisible text!
If you think there is any other detail I should add to any of these augment discussions, feel free to give a feedback. It is very much appreciated.

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I personally always start with Doran's Ring and 2 Health Potion's. Why only Doran's Ring? Because it gives me mana regeneration, just what Viktor needs.
Now here is my example final build with some detail to them.

I have already explained many reasons of why to buy this item, if you haven't read them, just scroll up to the previous chapter: "Upgrading Your Augment".

Before going into the next items that you actually buy, I want you to notice that all 3 of your most important items use this very item as their recipe. So if your not certain at some point of the game of which of the following you should buy, you can always grab a second of this.

This item is basically a must get for all mages. 120 AP and additionally +30% of total AP as extra AP. The amount of AP is too much to consider other items. This is a mandatory item for Viktor and that is all I can say.

This item can be the first item you buy to deal with champions like Fiddlesticks so you have the 15% of maximum health as damage to them. This will basically be extra damage to your burst combo so you can make sure he dies.

This should be your first item if you are facing mega burst champions like Syndra and Zed. I don't want you to die because of their annoying ultimates, besides it gives 120AP. Who doesn't want that much AP? In other cases, this item is to be first if you have the risk of getting insta-killed from half health or so from your matchup.

People will fear your damage when you get fed so they will rush magic resist. So with the help of your runes as well, this item is here to upgrade your Hextech Ray even more! Boots is to be bought in first back if possible but do give Augment: Death priority as it is much more worth it.

AP and an insane amount of magic penetration. This item is here to make your Hextech Ray unstoppable considering you already have your runes and Sorcerer's Shoes for all the extra penetration and the crazy amount of AP you get from all your items. Hextech Ray is officially everyones nightmare after this full build is completed.

Other Options You Might Think of:

For the current Viktor this item is not good enough to replace the previous items. your Power Transfer is auto attack range like I have always said as well as not to rely on it. Making you buy this item would be the same as deleting this guide basically. However for the upcoming reworked Viktor it will be better due to new Power Transfer which is going to be called Siphon Power will make your next auto attack deal extra damage. But I will talk of it on my "real" guide.

This item can be bought if you are rather dying quickly. It will give you health, AP and its awesome passive that will slow your enemies. Arcane Storm does have a great combo with this item although I still do buy Void Staff much more oftenly.
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Im going to keep it simple here. There are 5 things that you can get for Viktor which 2 of them I have never used on him. The 5 spells are Flash, Ignite, Barrier, Heal and Teleport. I personally never have used Heal and Teleport. You don't really need them in mid lane compared to the other spells but Barrier and Heal is of course a discussion. Now Im going to explain it.

Your gonna take it. You lack mobility and will need to have better escaping potentials.

In about all your match-ups, Ignite here will be your buddy to combo with Arcane Storm and Augment: Death's passive towards Hextech Ray.

The only times that you are to prefer this or Heal instead of taking Ignite is when you are facing MEGA BURST champions and them only. For example Syndra and Zed. You are a mid-laner, this means your not to be tanky, and are open to be bursted down. So you will need to take Barrier in order to block Unleashed Power by Syndra and Death Mark by Zed. Timing Barrier correctly against these champions will just leave them vulnerable as they just wasted their main damage source and you have your skills to kill them. Heal is still something you can take but you will take more damage than you would compared to Barrier and a 1 second speed boost isn't super helpful since you are Viktor and still lack mobility afterwards while you can do a turn-around to kill your enemy as your escape since Barrier just about blocked all the damage to you.
Important notice here that against mega bursty champions you are also going to take Zhonya's Hourglass first after you take Augment: Death. So you will basically keep all your health and will have a vulnerable enemy to burst down with your full combo. Just make sure they don't have Zhonya's Hourglass or Barrier/ Heal too!

Ghost is always another option. It helps covering over Viktor's mobility problem for both chasing and escaping.

Viktor is a very good magician! He can make his mana bar disappear! Truly, we players do not want this. I do not really recommend this spell but it does work since it will give you a few more casts for your abilities...
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Before we start here is Viktor's abilities in detail if you want to read them.


Passive: Evolving Technology
Spoiler: Click to view



Q: Power Transfer
Spoiler: Click to view



W: Gravity Field
Spoiler: Click to view



E: Hextech Ray
Spoiler: Click to view



R: Arcane Storm
Spoiler: Click to view


No matter what other guides say, you should now that Viktor is all about the Hextech Ray. It is your main damage source and has range which your Power Transfer does not. So for both range AND damage you should have your Hextech Ray maximised by level 9 and should never put a second level in either Power Transfer or Gravity Field
Now I will give a few more examples of why you should not take a second level on your Power Transfer or Gravity Field. First of all Power Transfer as I have said before is auto attack range, so it is only there to combo with your auto attack to harass your opponent in the landing phase. The time it is to used for kills is mid-game where you will have much more AP to get its true damage then. If your still asking about the shield, forget it. That shield only gives 26% of the damage dealt which means that it will never be a somewhat high number. People will always be able to break your shield, they don't even need to be fed for it. Besides the shield isn't even instant so you will not be able to block lets say Jinx's super mega death rocket just when you see it. What you would firstly need to do is see it. Then you have your reaction time to cast Power Transfer on a minion or so and STILL you have the return time of the shield. This basically means:
Now for gravity field. It is much easier to explain as it is a simple utility item that doesn't even get a longer stun time, or a faster stacking timer on it. So it means levelling it up basically does nothing but increase the slow percentage. It will take 1.5 seconds to stun someone and it will stun them for 1.5 seconds from the start of the game, to the end of the game. See? Quite simple reasons really.

I hope that you now understand both why to take Augment: Death and to have maximum level on Hextech Ray first while you are playing Viktor
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Laning Phase and Farming

If you have followed my guide so far, this part will be more precise for you. When I play mid laners I know that they are going to be bad at last hitting due to their auto attacks being weak (AD mid-laners excluded) so I have watched how much Viktor hits a minions and its about 66 for me. So click on the minions, it really helps to check their hp bar. I will guarantee you to kill them and thus gaining XP and gold. Your tactic for farming is going to be to attack any minion under 60HP or 50HP if you want to be safer.
Now to talk about how your going to handle your enemy in landing phase. It is simple really, what I do is whenever they come near me, just shoot Power Transfer and land an auto attack if the enemy minions are high on HP then back off due to incoming minion aggro. Do not auto attack if they are low on HP. It will cause you to back off from damage and lose farm in this case. Once you get your Hextech Ray at level 2. You do not use it directly in offense. What I do is hold the laser start point from enemy minions and then shoot when my enemy comes near. This way, even if I miss the enemy champion, I will at least hit the minions grabbing some more farm or at least lowering them. Otherwise you just waste your Hextech Ray and the mana cost is not cool really. Repeat these steps and you might even get a first blood. If your opponent comes to farm, just run at them. They run most of the time and if they do turn on you, the tactic is simple. Your now in auto attack range. Throw Power Transfer and auto attack once while you can and just cast Hextech Ray on their faces since they made the mistake of coming close so you also don't even have a chance of missing it.
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Calling Ganks and Escaping Ganks

For Viktor a jungler that can land a stun/root/knockup is amazing. The rest is quite simple if you have a jungler like so. Land your Gravity Field just as the enemy received this de-buff. By the time they are free of the stun or whatever, the ticks on Gravity Field should be done or almost done so they will be stunned for you to land Power Transfer, Hextech Ray and if you have reached level 6 Arcane Storm. If you do land Arcane Storm, feel free to throw in Ignite as it will secure the kill but I would recommend to keep it for a bit longer incase your opponent uses Flash so they manage escaping and your Ignite goes to waste. Well I must admit that this scenario is quite rare since they usually die from
Thinking that your enemy junglier is probably close ranged it isn't really too hard to escape ganks. For example I will give Udyr, Kha'Zix, Vi and Lee Sin. These guys are the most common junglres I currently see. When Udyr runs for you, Kha'Zix jumpes on you, Vi dashes on you or Lee Sin launches in your face, just place down Gravity Field on their face. You will get even with the fact that they went in your face. So they get stunned about 85% of the time as some prefer to waste flash in a situation like this or they just barely dodge and most annoyingly, Lee Sin justs jumps away with Safeguard / Iron Will. Well that basically is it. Then you just run to your tower, hug it, kiss it or whatever that you do when you survive thanks to your turret.

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Ah, now this is where it gets fun! Even from only Augment: Death you probably noticed how much damage you can deal and make a whole minion wave disappear! Well now its mid-game so it means you also have more items like Rabadon's Deathcap, deathfire's grasp or Zhonya's Hourglass.
What does that mean? Well your Viktor, so it means anyone that is squishy which is most likely the enemy AP and AD carry can be easily and instantly busted down by you.
Now it is time to learn your lethal combo that can kill anyone!
Then After Target is Stunned Quickly followed by and
For detailed usage of the combo read the spoiler below!
Spoiler: Click to view

Never use your Gravity Field offensively in general! This combo is thought of when your using the element of surprise! When your doing in this in lane you won't need the part with Gravity Field! Just go Power Transfer > Hextech Ray > Arcane Storm and Ignite if you wish to secure the kill!
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Late Game

As a large number of places say that Viktor falls of late game, I disagree.

Late game, it is true that you do fall off, but not enough to kick you out of the game. The only thing that happens is, some of your enemy tanks will be able to soak up your damage. So the point in Viktor is to kill slice open everyone with Hextech Ray as much as you can so they don't get fed. On the other hand, you will always be able to kill the enemy AP and AD carry assuming that they are building standard Mage and Marksman with at least 4 damage items. So do not fear late game. You will also be at your peak damage and when your pushing, with only a single Hextech Ray your destruction is amazing. You just aren't amazing because people will be able to stand longer and might have the potential to kill you back but from my Viktor experiences, as long as you went well and got enough items, about no one can duel you 1v1 with full mana and all abilities ready and etc.
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Unique Skills

Personally when I am playing other champions of any other lane and a turret is under danger I just wish I was Viktor. 1 unique thing of Viktor that I have to mention since I use it a lot and works like a charm, is his ability to protect the turret just magnificently. Keep Gravity Field or use it on the minion wave it is up to you if you can land Hextech Ray on more than 4 minions but Gravity Field is just there to keep the minions away from tanking the tower. I prefer keeping Gravity Field to the times that the enemy melee champions go in to attack the turret. I simply put Gravity Field on them by its tip, and have most of it on their escape path so if they run back, they get stunned, run forward, they die and a team fight might begin under your tower with one enemy missing. Quite an advantage that is thanks to you. Hope this helps, make sure to give me feedback on this one!
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Landing Your Laser

This is one of the most important parts of my guide. I will not add screenshots and videos yet due to the rework being very soon, but do expect them in my next guide with the new version. So to get things nice and short, using your Hextech Ray correctly is different then just walking up to your opponent and shooting it straight. They would see you coming so they would attempt to dodge even before you shoot Hextech Ray! So I personally keep farming and whenever my opponent comes up to farm, I just shoot my laser with the start point on his minions so even if I miss, I at least kill minions. Nonetheless I keep it worth it. Don't forget that Hextech Ray has no cast time. This means that another correct way to use Hextech Ray while lets say running away or so, just shoot it backwards. They are most likely to get hit by it as they think they are just about to get to you. Then you can just watch the opponent run away crying. I must also add that I play Viktor half-aggresively. So whenever my opponent comes to farm, I sometimes just run to them without casting anything so they cannot farm. If I do get in range I will of course use my Power Transfer to not miss that awesome opportunity but you can also use the fact that your enemy is going to farm as your weapon. Just start Hextech Ray on the minion they have targeted for an easy hit!
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That is it for my Viktor guide! I hope you liked it and got some ideas about Viktor and the usage of his abilities and especially Hextech Ray. I hope you also have a better understanding of Augment: Death and other items, runes, masteries and stuff. Please be reminded that this was my first guide and I did spent quite some time since it was like a learning step for me as I had to learn some codes to create this guide. Well time to sum it all up! I had fun making this guide and I hope you learned a lot and enjoyed reading! I will be back soon with the new Viktor guide Im getting set up as the rework is quite very near!

See you then fellow players!
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Special Thanks

Since this was my first guide, I had literally no clue of what to do. So I want to thank jhoijhoi for the awesome guide that helped me so much and here is the link to the guide so you my fellow readers can also create a guide in the future with this awesome guide for literally everything you will need.

Here you go:

Making a Guide by jhoijhoi

BBCoding Guide by jhoijhoi
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