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Vision Wins Games (A Returning Player's Suggestion Guide)
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Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Welcome Back
If you're returning (or in the rare case new) to the game, prepare to see this a lot. I'm not here to make this a bad thing, but rather it's a high probability given most of the populace in League of Legends has been playing for years and are well acclimated to the environment. I'm a firm believer that in defeat there's always a facet of knowledge to be found.
Oh right! First thing's first.
You'll notice immediately that this isn't a Taric guide at all, in fact I'm going to suggest you to play Lux and play in the support role initially until you feel comfortable and confident; again. I chose Taric as my poster boy because as a character he's all about working together, remaining positive, and overall he's exactly the mentality a returning player needs. League has one of the most toxic communities in the online world, and together we can change that - one mind at a time.
In the champion area you'll see threats. These are all the kinds of people who will probably kill you, or get you killed, over and over again. They aren't nice to deal with, and I suggest banning any of them in draft pick.
As a disclaimer, I'm also here to advocate that if you ever feel; you're not having fun, you're being harassed, you're uncomfortable, feeling overtly upset, and feel this game is bringing out the worst aspects of your personal character -
I don't want anybody reading this guide to think I would encourage anybody, should they feel exposed to negativity, to stay within that negativity. If you left and begin to feel you've returned to the same crowd, I highly suggest assessing that and deciding if League is indeed a good platform to return to. As someone who has left and came back I will always understand and respect this decision.
If you've left and are coming back and want to return to the 'old stomping grounds', welcome back, but don't expect a return to normalcy - yet. It'll take time and it'll require your patience to return to that. If you believe in yourself, then in turn I also believe in you. I hope the advice 'I claim to be decent' for a returning player turns out to be informational and maybe less instructional.
Oh right! First thing's first.
Welcome Back!
You'll notice immediately that this isn't a Taric guide at all, in fact I'm going to suggest you to play Lux and play in the support role initially until you feel comfortable and confident; again. I chose Taric as my poster boy because as a character he's all about working together, remaining positive, and overall he's exactly the mentality a returning player needs. League has one of the most toxic communities in the online world, and together we can change that - one mind at a time.
In the champion area you'll see threats. These are all the kinds of people who will probably kill you, or get you killed, over and over again. They aren't nice to deal with, and I suggest banning any of them in draft pick.
As a disclaimer, I'm also here to advocate that if you ever feel; you're not having fun, you're being harassed, you're uncomfortable, feeling overtly upset, and feel this game is bringing out the worst aspects of your personal character -
it's completely okay to stop playing
. I mean it.I don't want anybody reading this guide to think I would encourage anybody, should they feel exposed to negativity, to stay within that negativity. If you left and begin to feel you've returned to the same crowd, I highly suggest assessing that and deciding if League is indeed a good platform to return to. As someone who has left and came back I will always understand and respect this decision.
If you've left and are coming back and want to return to the 'old stomping grounds', welcome back, but don't expect a return to normalcy - yet. It'll take time and it'll require your patience to return to that. If you believe in yourself, then in turn I also believe in you. I hope the advice 'I claim to be decent' for a returning player turns out to be informational and maybe less instructional.
So What Now?
So as you may have noticed, but I highly suggest going as support until you feel most comfortable with the game. Support is an interesting role in the sense that you don't need to kill minions, but also that you're an obscure observer and controller to the map and populace therein.
I should also note that as a further disclaimer, my words are not law. This guide is merely a suggestion. Do what you feel will make you comfortable.
I highly suggest playing as Lux for returning to the game if only for her E ability. Her E can illuminate a bush from quite a distance and that will save you from doing what's called a "face check".
So Lux can illuminate a decent amount of area, and this can be a real life saver.
It's worth noting that even if you don't put your E directly into a bush, you'll still get a good amount of area around it.
If you ever walk into darkness, and you're unsure as to what might be out there. Send out an E in that direction, it may just save your life.
A lot of people who think of the traditional supports will say Soraka, and although she's a damn good pick, and I mean you may play her if you want, I just can't suggest her for a return to form for someone who used to play (unless she was someone you're used to of course).
Soraka can do what Lux does with lighting up darkness using her Q, but it's not as advanced nor does it last as long.
It's still worth noting that it could save you to Q a bush before entering it if you're unsure.
I should also note that as a further disclaimer, my words are not law. This guide is merely a suggestion. Do what you feel will make you comfortable.
I highly suggest playing as Lux for returning to the game if only for her E ability. Her E can illuminate a bush from quite a distance and that will save you from doing what's called a "face check".
So Lux can illuminate a decent amount of area, and this can be a real life saver.
It's worth noting that even if you don't put your E directly into a bush, you'll still get a good amount of area around it.
If you ever walk into darkness, and you're unsure as to what might be out there. Send out an E in that direction, it may just save your life.
A lot of people who think of the traditional supports will say Soraka, and although she's a damn good pick, and I mean you may play her if you want, I just can't suggest her for a return to form for someone who used to play (unless she was someone you're used to of course).
Soraka can do what Lux does with lighting up darkness using her Q, but it's not as advanced nor does it last as long.
It's still worth noting that it could save you to Q a bush before entering it if you're unsure.
Let's Play the Vision Game
If you're returning and for some reason are still reading this guide, I want to be real with you just one last time. There's a lot you'll learn from trial and error, but as long as you take your vision seriously, acknowledge that you're not destined to win each and every match, but also continue on with the intent of having fun, you'll be alright. Don't be afraid to mute people, either. If you need any help, reassurances, tips, or someone positive to play with I'm Siyou(NA) and I'm happy to play with people who are both looking for positivity, and looking to have fun.
Best of luck out there and make sure to keep your vision score up (try to aim for 100). I hope you get to where you want to be at, and that support wasn't a bad place to relearn the game. <3
Best of luck out there and make sure to keep your vision score up (try to aim for 100). I hope you get to where you want to be at, and that support wasn't a bad place to relearn the game. <3
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