THE HARDEST LANE. Just scale, please don't trade. Please. I'm begging.
Take ****ty trades, non stop harass her with Q, dodge her charm with pure skill if cocky, if not just W it, it's her main source of damage,
If she doesn't have TP nonstop auto her early even if she qs you, if she has fleet you will win auto battle with electro and setup the lane for success, her ult is impossible to react pool, you have to predict it
dont let him get his triple hit passive, dont push wave in or he will tarzan swing level 2, bait his boomerang out by walking barely into range when he thinks you last hit or use q on wave and walk away
Helps to have boots to dodge stun, if its going to hit you need to pool, when she ults you pool abilities not 4fun
Only walk up for cs earlygame, cant trade with her at all, try set up minionwave infront of your tower by letting her push and matching every autohit and skip one every few
Aurelion Sol
you outscale him, you can only really die or get ****ed by him if you want to **** him, play safe = outscale risk free, play aggressive and risk lane, he does a lot of dmg lvl 1-5
go ultra aggro runes and trade as much as you can as much hp as you can if he has conq just dont do ULTRa overextended trades
need to space her W, do not trade with her when she can passive proc, every one of her Qs hits in pool, so have to pool preemtively, pooling her ult makes it go on full cd, pooling her E makes her fly the **** over your head can use to your advantage, should piss in her mouth after boots
have to play mindgames with her Q, it's hard but vlad favoured if both are robotically perfect, you have to sometimes walk straight into her to dodge Qs and have big balls if she has roa enjoy never killing her
try not get his by his 3s cd malphite ult, matchup is ultra mega nitro hard and chogath player can be piloted by silverback gorilla
you outscale him the game is in his hands to play aggro, however even with scaling runes you outtrade very hard, he needs to buy mr or you all in with ult and he cant play
Pool his Q so he doesn't heal from it at all costs, slowly poke him down, dance with his grab range
can't outtrade her shield, if she dashes to you while throwing her q, pool q and she won't get E cd back, if she successfully dashes you need to hit her back, if she hits you you run away and space her so she cant
if he has ignite have to be careful of his lethal, take earlygame runes such as aery and electro, have to pool before his E magnetizes on you, try slowpush waves and harass
you can pool her Q and she is left out of position and with higher Q cd, dont use all abiltiies at once or she will parry, she can parry your initial ult as well so care
slowpush wave into him like ekko, zone him off cs, if he has pot be careful he will outsustain you in the earlygame, need to go for trades that dont incorporate his E on you
his Q does % hp dmg, his W ****s your E and Q, his E does the same, his ult makes you unable to oneshot people from behind, insanely cancer matchup but still winnable if you play aggressive and pray for no camp
trade point and click for days, careful if he has grasp and dshield, if top slowpush waves and dive him dont let him barrel waves or get passive procs
dont let him silence you, his Q goes throguh your pool making it a true combo to ult, if he ults and you pool it doesnt go on cd
he outsustains you HARD EARLY, dont try to trade, after getting items and going for long trades and pooling his E you should start winning
he will push you under tower and sit on his 80cm manlet towers while bombing you, try to salvage cs, you outscale and he will get CANCER from you accidentally killing his towers in teamfights later
unlosable if you dont get his by his pull, even more bonus points if you didn't hae to pool it
need ignite to kill her, you suprisingly win VERY hard level 1-3 if she doesnt have passive stacks, so zone her or hit her while she's getting them, with early game runes ignite aery you legit kill her
Q E W every time he jumps on you and then stay the **** away from him, let the wave push towards you and just chillax and outscale, you outscale teamfights SO hard
trade with Q, if he jumps on you with hammer then pool it while he's mid air to take no damage, always E in pool to outtrade him, if he doesn't rush MR it's a free lane
really annoying, if she wants to she can just push you in and tether then blast her load on you while you're chained up, no counterplay, a perfect karma won't let you close enough to damage her
try rush boots asap vs karth, it's really hard to dodge without and be careful he will q you when he thinks you're about to use an ability or autoattack so bait it out
if she has conqueror and ad item start she will cheese you level 2, dont fall for it and matchup is smooth sailings
as long as you manage to have more cs than him early and play with jg you outscale and are stronger in every part of the game, him split pushing can get annoying tho
very easy matchup, respect his stun when trading and you'll out trade out sustain and just oneshot his rat ***
dont pool his chain once it lands it will go through, try dodge his dash so he cant mariokart doubledash
very runedependant matchup, if you go early runes fist her if not then you have to play it safe, if she throws her sigil(q) and insta dashes on you you can pool both, if she waits and is good after throwign q just pool her dash and be inside minions so she ca nt chain after
play really aggro early try dodge her qs and sidestep, it's hard for her to land them when you dont stand behind wave
if the lulu player is an autofilled spport main enjoy free lp, if she is a midlane main playing lulu enjoy your surgical removal of your testicles
need secondwind or she fists you cant really play aggro, but outscale in teamfights, dont get hit by her autos while she has mark
he can fist you early if he gets in melee range, dont let the wave go to his tower
push him in as hard as possible early, he cant farm under tower, if enemy jg pressures you while doing this gg, and need to pool early in fights so he cant r
with the new fix of vlad q bug they let you q this man in his untargetability for some reason, so unlosable thanks riot
cant play gg
outsustain and fist him, he will have lane prio so need to be creative to keep him in lane
earlygame is legit torture, go tp and try outsustain with codex rush, she's pretty squishy if she doesnt get to use her ult shield
Almost unplayable laning phase without help. She pokes you more than you can heal. Try rush boots and run away from the ball. If she throws it down run to the other side of the lane, try bait her abilities out, NEED secondwind and doran's ring or unplayable, Can go aery and fist her but i pref scalign phaserush cause if she's good its impossible
dont let the wave go in deep in top, in mid its unlosable, pool his w, if he is VERY good and experienced he will q tap poke you down but you also outsustain so it's chill
just a free farm lane, you will outscale and outimpact, don't do stupid stuff
when the wave pushes into her and bounces back, just dont die, try trim or she cheater recalls, dont get all ined
very easy mid but in top she can run you down, if you have faker rreaciton time (i managed to do this like 3 times in my life) you can pool her dash and it makes her land on top of you
just dont ego cocky him level 1-5 and you aer smooth salings, you can pool his stun, it doesnt hit in pool and often times droolign renekton player will click minion by accdient stunning minion when you pool
she has insane lvl1 all in dmg but if you kite it and use ghost to space her q and autos you can legit 100-0 her and use her strength against her
this matchup is hard top, but easy mid, don't let him his you with his harpoon or you'll take massive nuclear damage, try play around his shield and his overheat meter
despite people thinking this is impossible matchiup, ryze cant stop pushing in wave which is free cs for vlad, you can fistfight and beat him very early with conq, if your team has any amount of cc he's worthless, and you hard outscale, it takes an absurd amount of skill for ryze to know how to slowpush and crash and roam all good, so you wont find any issues playing vs one bellow chall
supp mains usually go seraphine because they are handsless, so free mathcup, 1/100 seraphines will fist you but you hard outscale and deal WAY more dmg than shielding she proviudes
if he gets bortk you need to stay away, you can react pool his stun, you outscale him very swiftly
he shouldnt be able to farm first 6 minions which snowballs disgustingly hard, play as aggro as you can without getting flip ganked
need dring or he will fist you before first recall, as soon as you have cdr unlosable
ban this champ
trade q for q, don't get hooked by his E and it's free
you can pool his W making it go on full cd, no heal, no damage, he is ****ED after you do this, trade with him ULTRA aggro lvl 1, lvl 2 care, lvl 3 you beat hard
hard outscale, you can all in her suprisingly early, at level 6
trade hard with him level 1, the ability that you need to pool to autowin every trade is his W2, the shurikens that fly back, then he will jump on you to get passive, but not get it instead he gets testicular cancer
can outtrade you early, but should oneshot with ult
take phase rush so you can run away from the rng barbarian, if he gets ahead you'll be very ****ed, zhonyas counters his ult hard combined with pool
Twisted Fate
twisted fate usually makes ppl go cleanse which sucks, however you have vlad pool countering this very hard, trade aggresively and he cant play, as soon as he reaches 6 you gotta try break his legs so he cant ult if you see an oppertunity for him to ult
play extremely passively early, if you took early runes you can easily kill him6, if not just relax, pool his ult
he can smack you in early laning, you can pool through his wall, need to save for his r tho, you outscale him hard
do not pool any ability or he will ult you and kill you, need dring or kills you early, stand behind wave and try manage minionwave
trade q perma when you can without eating minion aggro, if she takes ignite then care to drop low, you outscale the **** out of her in every regard
see orianna matchup regarding runes, as soon as you have any mobility you can actually UNAUGMENT his legs in the sidelane if you know you know
dring unlosable dont stand in the wave or he will push and hit you, make him choose one
care lethal tempo trades pre 6, dont let the wave go in deep, obviously poke his shield off before trading
similiar to yasuo, need to pool his Q3 when he's in his spirit****form
If you **** up it's cbt time, just pool his hook, it's a lot less worse getting stunned than hooked, he's pretty unpokable early but if he all ins then you beat him post 6
you counter him, dodge his double q combo, perma q him, if he ults, W before he appears again and his ult will be gone!
has a lot of range, if he plays clean it'll be hard to kill, also most ziggs go barrier so **** that ****, if he goes MR then you cant really kill him
dodge her root /pool or pool her ult and you'll be gucci, stay away from plants, easy af, but if you can't dodge then you're in a hard place
dont need defensive runes, however, need to stand very far away so you dont get hit by q, if she picks up ignite off the floor you can expect to be 10% health no coutnerplay unironically
I am a Vlad OTP who abused this perfect champion to climb from platinum to Diamond for the first time. Sometimes I stream playing Vlad or any offmeta, so feel free to come and watch!
Now let's talk about the real deal. Which vlad skin is the best? Well, vlad has 12 skins, but I'll just rank the Top 5 of them.
#5: Nightbringer Vladimir
Let's be honest here. This is the base vladimir skin, but 10x cooler. I think I used too much and got tired, so this is where I rank, but definitely a great skin.
#4: Marquis Vladimir
This skin doesn't have any new features, sound or particles. But it feels so clean to play with, it somehow makes me think I'm dealing way more damage. Good skin visually and psychologically.
#3: Soulstealer Vladimir
This is my favorite skin, despite I don't owning it. Changing from red to green strangely gives this skin its own "charm". In terms of overall design, this skin definitely deserves to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of this ranking. But the lack of unique particles and effects puts it slightly below the others.
#2: Dark Waters Vladimir
The character model is positively impeccable, with a fabulous cape, expensive looking ornaments, and even an eye-patch. He is a ****ing vampirate.Plus, the skin does give you quite the advantage. And the ult is really hard to see if you’re standing in the river. I don’t have a single bad thing to say about this skin. And it only loses to the top spot by a slim margin.
#1: Blood Lord Vladimir
The first place had to go to the only legendary skin. Despite the splash art being old, this is the ultimate Vladimir Skin. Every OTP uses it, it feels SOOOOO GOOD with all the effects os the skin. It is just perfect. 10/10.
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