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Warwick Build Guide by TheDogDK

Jungle Warwick Jungle, Early High Damage.

Jungle Warwick Jungle, Early High Damage.

Updated on November 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDogDK Build Guide By TheDogDK 2,665 Views 0 Comments
2,665 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDogDK Warwick Build Guide By TheDogDK Updated on November 29, 2012
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Warwick is a melee (little op) champion, who are able to jungle without problems. In this guide am I going to explaing why he is great as jungling, and also how i jungle with him. This guide is my first guide(not only on mobafire, but at all)
I hope that I can get some comments, and maybe also some new items/guide ideas, althrough that I never have tryed a better build.
I Sorry a lot for my very bad English (specially gramma) :) But i am from Denmark and Danish are not just a little like English
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Pros / Cons

Easy jungling
Fast jungling with the right items
Dont need Cloth armor in start
Early ownage...
Hard to counter (With this build)
Ulti with supress and nice damage (ekstra nice damage with Madred´s)
Looking really nice, special with Feral Warwick skin, just to show that YOU are the hunter, who never are getting hunted.

Weak vs 2 or more, before getting HP items most of the time
Are counteret alot by ignite (also before getting HP items)
Are counteret by miss fortune 100%
Hard to really master (i do not meane hard to play but i meane really master him)
Many call him noob champ.
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This build is a high damage early build, so it need a little skills (yes skills, even as ww) The early attackspeed by Recurve bow is amazing to jungle fast + also make gank alot easyer if you have red buff (apply debuff faster and often). Always try to keep jungling (and ganking) undtil you can afford Recurve Bow, when recall. After getting Madred´s Bloodrazor it is really goind fast with Jungling and Ganking is easy if you have the redbuff. After this two items, are the damage of ww insane, but in level 10-15 are he getting a little low hp, that why i buy so mutch hp, its owns to be offtank, and are also fashionable :) . All go offtank this days (as all champions) There is not really more mutch to say, only that with this items (and the runes) can baron be soloed easy, but not at then all are level 18... So have i got too hard to kill alone (and i hate that, but it dont do anything important, 1 ally and the baron die easy.
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Skill Sequence

As Warwick, do i take Q first to get the extreame high healing. That making jungling easy, after gitting blue can you spam Q as you want. Then W for the attackspeed and healing from ww´s passive. Last ability in early game (level 3) are E, you cant gank without E. And of course take ulti then possible. A important note is to always try to spare you ulti, if you have the red buff, so you can catch someone who have escape abilities like flash, Shaco´s Q, Katas jump, Le sin´s jump ect. I have seen many as ww use Ulti as first ability for get close, while having red, but so is flash better, or just run over to the enemy... You have boots for god sake. BUT sometimes is ulti great for engaging. If the enemy are close to tower (still outsite tower range) or a caitlyn trap is closeby, or you need to kill the enemy and get away fast ect. Sometimes is it better to press R and just get a nice kill, and then hopefully get away.
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For runes do i use a little unormal choice. I take alot armor and a little MR. I do that because so do i never need to think about armor again + as ww, can you take baron solo with only Boots, Rageblade and Frozen mallet (only if this runes are being used). For me does it mostly happends at level 16, so do i have the items, and just solo Baron.
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The masteries are for early survival + solo baron early like the runes. Its also give long buff time, which are nice and very usefull.
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Creeping / Jungling

As Jungle, do I always go for blue early, so I can spam Q. So i start Wolf, and fast go on to the blue. Most of the time is blue being pulled, so like 1 potion is enough to use(Keep the others for the dragon). But if no one pull, do you need 2-3 potions. After blue is Wraths the target, but they are easy, after Wraths is it random if i take red or Golems. But after taking both red and golem, is it (hopefully) time to first gank. After the is it just the route again and again. With some ganks. If it happends that the enemy team not have a jungler, then are the other jungle a nice tablet of cooked food for the hungry wolf... Always nice and a sure win when happening.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDogDK
TheDogDK Warwick Guide
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Warwick Jungle, Early High Damage.

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