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all i wanted for now is to put the CORRECT FIZZ BUILD in this site
cause i can't believe how trash are the top rated builds for fizz in this site makes me cry
rivers of blood :(
i don't really know how to even use this thing properly to list everything so thats the main problem ..
for now i will just say this Fizz is the best carry and iniator in this game
Yes i consider fizz the iniator type of mage you go in one shot theyr carry and whit your invulnerability times iniate for your team properly
never pick Fizz versus Lux,Rumble Syndra :( unless you have a good jungler even so this lineaups are very thought .. Fizz is Godmode againts anything else
For your play style .. you need to be extremely agressive and insanse sometimes to snowball is your goal to carry your team is your destinity :D
Always Roam the lanes after lv 6 but remember to push your own and always ask for blue buff
to be succeful roamer you need blue to fix your mana problems don't forget to take teleport
and tell bot lane not to push and ward at the end of bush near enemy turret for epic lv 6 gank
which 90% of time lands me kills if done correctly
don't forget to ward ALL the time after your first back already buy a ward but if you expect a early gank buy a level 1 ward even more so if you go top and fizz is also really viable top
but i wouldnt pick fizz againts darius,singed Top lane thats a RIP matchups :(
Thats all i wanted to say for now good luck earning your free elo whit the best build for fizz possible time for you to learn why fizz falls of his stick :D
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