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Runes: Normal Itembuild
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
every game
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
The most important thing about wintrade pyke is that you engage. every. time. You need to engage when there is a lv 16 6 item Kassadin,even if your team is behind as **** and the kassadin already oneshot your ezreal who you called a ******* for the last 30 minutes, because lets face it, every ezreal is a *******
You need to engage when there no teammate next to you, you need to engage when your wife is in labour. Engage no matter what, no matter when.
Also every time you miss an cannon you have to moan like you just thought about your favourite redheaded e-girl.
Also called a magnus pyke.
You need to engage when there no teammate next to you, you need to engage when your wife is in labour. Engage no matter what, no matter when.
Also every time you miss an cannon you have to moan like you just thought about your favourite redheaded e-girl.
Also called a magnus pyke.
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