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Runes: Core
Ability Order Skill Order
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Whether she ults after you wombo, or you ult in to her ult, the giant burst of AOE she provides along with your massive AOE is almost guaranteed to kill *anyone* caught, tanks included.
Whether she ults after you wombo, or you ult in to her ult, the giant burst of AOE she provides along with your massive AOE is almost guaranteed to kill *anyone* caught, tanks included.
Champion Build Guide
And then you also get the benefit of having a huge amount of armor.
So Armor beats AP both in damage and in its innate ability to protect you.
You want to move around constantly, keeping yourself just outside of poke range but close enough for your ult. If you are against a particularly poky team, you will likely have to rely on Flash to engage. Do not be afraid to flash ult, a big catch will mean an objective and that's absolutely worthy of a trade. Even against teams that aren't pokey, your flash is a strong tool to catch them off gourd, as you can cover a ton of ground.
When you see the enemy close to each other, ult (aim for at least 3, but the narrow confines of the bridge make it very likely you can get big 5-man ults regularly). As soon as you connect, Thunderclap W and Groundslam E, then auto. This will kill squishies and seriously maim tanks, cc them, slow their attack, and give your team enough time to come in and clean up. If they aren't quick enough, your autos will do about 150+ aoe damage per hit (at level 6).
Ult: 200
Sunfire: 100 + 30/s
Thunderclap (W): 200 first hit, 170 each subsequent for 5 seconds, aoe
Groundslam (E): 220
Wombo + a single attack does 720 damage immediately, then anther 200 on your next auto + sunfire tick. Thats 920 damage at level 6 with the enemy having no opportunity to do anything at all to mitigate it short of dodging your ult which is nearly impossible.
There's more. Dark Harvest will proc, adding 50 damage and harvesting a soul, and you'll get a burst of lethality and mp as you ult from Sudden Impact which amplifies all your damage.
After IG, I usually pick up Kindlegem (red orb precursor to Warmogs) for the 10$ CDR and then switch to either Abyssal Mask (for 15% more damage when I wombo and the final 10% CDR) if I'm against some annoying magic dealers, or Thornmail if the primary enemies are ADC.
Boots I build earlier if they are pokey, later if I am stomping. It is more important to get CDR early than pen, since you're getting pen from both runes and from Abyssal, sorta. People do not tend to build MR vs this Malph since they see I'm building Armor (and don't make the connection that my abilities, while scaling with Armor, still do magic damage). If they do build MR, get boots and Abyssal earlier.
Finish up your Warmogs to beef up your Sunfire explosion damage.
At this point you're around 4k health, have around 500 armor and 150 MR, do around 2000 damage in a single combo, and completely ruin the day of anyone on the opposing team who isn't a huge tank.
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