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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Max in order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
he'll out last you, and out damage you.
Your ult, his ult. Great damage engage.
Your ult, his ult. Great damage engage.
Depending on your top lane opponent you should have the upper hand early game, but if you see that you can't easily trade with your laner, just farm up and kill other lanes, or try to get picks during early game team-fights or when your jungler comes to gank you top lane.
Electrocute - The whole laning phase you'll be able to burst poke them, and push them away to farm freely, or nearly without a threat unless ganked. Doing you full poke combo in lane (I.E E AA Q) Proc's the electrocute and you should run back and let them understand half their health is gone, and they shouldn't mess with you for quite some time.
Sudden Impact - When you W And go into your combo, or jump out of a brush it proc's Sudden impact making your poke hurt even MORE. Also everytime you use your E it counts as a dash so even if your not poking or engaging with W -> E -> AA -> Q You'll still be able to combo passively. (I.E E-> AA-> Q-> W Away)
Eyeball Collection - Getting free AD/AP based off things your going to do in game anyway, I always go eyeball vs any of those ward things, i just don't see the advantage of using the others and not using eyeball collection.
Ravenous Hunter - Getting kills making it so your Q W E AND R Heal, and your going to get kills in the game no matter what, so this is again free healing from ability damages you have, and your going to get it anyways, This is a big sustain in late game team fights if you have 3 kills before the game really pops off.
Triumph - This is a must for most champions, with getting nearly 1/4 of your health back on kills makes you a unstoppable killing machine, during early game ganks, and late game team fighting you'll nearly always have health unless your trying to fight without your team and getting targeted by all 5 enemies.
Coup De Grace - This is just for later in the game killing the ADC, or any champion that has been poked out once or twice, all you need to do is W -> E -> AA -> Q Then W away without any worries of being instabursted. This helps in laning phase if you're accurately poking your laner without taking to much damage in trades.
9% Attack speed - Great for early game poking make it faster to attack, and makes farming a bit easier overall.
+5 Armor - Take less damage early game and late game without doing anything, getting your poke in and not losing a lot of hp can help a lot, with targeting the ADC or just during laning phase.
Scaling HP - More HP means if you do take a lot of poke damage, your not losing as much HP as you think, and you can still last long enough to get a kill even if you trade.
Most of the items have been picked because of the way Wukong's ability's are, and they all bounce off the game play of him, Stormrazor - First hit crit, with Q damage, its just way too good to pass up. Duskblade proc's every time you use W/go into a bush. Triforce proc's everything you use E or Q or W Even R Making your trades, and damage overall more reliable.
Notes in most of the items/item combo's so if you need more information, feel free to message me or reply to the guide!
Example: E - Auto Attack - Q on champions near minions so your E hits and pushes slightly.
This is going to be your best friend during the laning phase until you can E AA Q Repeat ignite when they are low enough for a free kill for you!
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