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Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Why do I do this? Firstly, the marks go great with Crushing Blow at early levels. It increases armor pen, for you to set up high damage combos. The seals give Wukong mana regen for extra spamming and overall easy lane harass. I get magic resist glyphs to go hand in hand with Stone Skin and if your against a Singed or a Rumble the resistance can help.
Your probably wondering why I max Nimbus Strike first because all the other guides say max Crushing Blow. I like Nimbus Strike because the gap closer combined with the extra attack speed is extremely potent early game. Crushing Blow combined with that makes you deal more damage.
Item Sequence
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Vampiric Scepter
Heart of Gold
Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury's Treads
B. F. Sword
Trinity Force
Randuin's Omen
Guardian Angel
Elixir of Fortitude
Elixir of Agility
Oracle's Elixir
Elixir of Brilliance
Boots and 3 Health Potion is essential for all solo top players. If your are against a Garen invest in a Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potion instead.
On your first buy try purchase a Vampiric Scepter and a a few wards. This should give you more lane presence and sustain.
Next, you might want a Heart of Gold for passive gold and health. a tanky Wukong is a happy Wukong!
Mercury's Treads on Wukong is essential because extra magic resist and tenacity is great on Wukong. The ability to escape and take harassment is essential early game. Ninja Tabi is great against other AD's and Ionian Boots of Lucidity is a good choice for mid and late game.
Usually after full boots I rush a Trinity Force but if you cant a Sheen should hold out. With a Sheen Wukong can become an excellent burst assassin.
Bloodthirster is great in Wukong because it gives him more lifesteal and damage. This should make your opponents afraid of you and not want to exchange damage with you.
Randuin's Omen is great because the active on it majes you a great initiator late game. It also grants an attack speed slow and gives armor. Stone Skin also works great with thhe active effect.
Guardian Angel is an awesome item. The passive on it makes you an even better initiator. And if you die, your Bloodthirster can lifesteal your health back up and allow you to win a crucial team fight.
In lane you want to farm and harass. Try not to last hit with Nimbus Strike but feel free to farm with Crushing Blow. When harassing in a 1v1 try to lead with Crushing Blow then land Nimbus Strike. If the situation gets a little sticky escape with Warrior Trickster.The build doesn't have Doran's items but build 1 or 2 if you need them.(build Ninja Tabi instead of Mercury's Treads if you need).
If you are ganked because your over pushed DON'T PANIC. You the bush to your advantage and blow Ghost if needed. What I tend to do is Nimbus Strike minions to get away or use Warrior Trickster.
If you are ganked because your over pushed DON'T PANIC. You the bush to your advantage and blow Ghost if needed. What I tend to do is Nimbus Strike minions to get away or use Warrior Trickster.
Once you push over the top lane, it would be good to gank other lanes. Head down to mid and wait. (Ganking potential is maximized with your ultimate). Lead with Warrior Trickster and go for the Nimbus Strike, Crushing Blow combo. If your mid laner reacts use Cyclone and that should get you a kill.
Now, you may also jungle invade if you feel like you can do it. With Wriggle's Lantern you can try to steal the small golems or red(blue team) or blue (purple team).
Now, you may also jungle invade if you feel like you can do it. With Wriggle's Lantern you can try to steal the small golems or red(blue team) or blue (purple team).
With my Wukong build you should be tanky enough to be the initiator. In a team fight, lead with Warrior Trickster and Nimbus Strike their AD or AP carry. Nimbus Strike and Crushing Blow combo them and then ult. Your team should follow up and you should easily win the team fight.(don't forget about Randuin's Omen).
Wukong is by far the funnest champion to play. His trickyness is extremely fnny if you pull it off correctly.
One trick is the stop juke. Instead of pressing W for Warrior Trickster, press S for STOP. This looks almost identical to Warrior Trickster and will 80% of the time work.
Another trick is to be chased past the minion wave. Once your are behind the enemy minions Nimbus Strike backwards and spam your laugh (SHIFT+4). The enemy team will be extremely pissed off and will try to chase you. If your low on HP get away with Warrior Trickster. If you have a good amount of HP, bait them and eventually kill then with Cyclone
One trick is the stop juke. Instead of pressing W for Warrior Trickster, press S for STOP. This looks almost identical to Warrior Trickster and will 80% of the time work.
Another trick is to be chased past the minion wave. Once your are behind the enemy minions Nimbus Strike backwards and spam your laugh (SHIFT+4). The enemy team will be extremely pissed off and will try to chase you. If your low on HP get away with Warrior Trickster. If you have a good amount of HP, bait them and eventually kill then with Cyclone
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