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Runes: Damage and speed is what I need
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
All lanes
Ability Order
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
I know, more text is needed
coming soon - but please read the notes that I have put on all sections, they explain a lot
I will add more text here soon on my play style but really want to point you towards this guide: Xin Zhaofend / To The Arena
IR.DEFENDER has done a more than excellent work there and I have to give a lot of kudos to him. I did learn a lot from his guide and really you find everything you needed there.
I guess we just have different playstyles in the end and I don't play Xin in Jungle only , I think he can be used as a Bad *** everywhere and you can have A LOT of fun with him.
I will add more text here soon on my play style but really want to point you towards this guide: Xin Zhaofend / To The Arena
IR.DEFENDER has done a more than excellent work there and I have to give a lot of kudos to him. I did learn a lot from his guide and really you find everything you needed there.
I guess we just have different playstyles in the end and I don't play Xin in Jungle only , I think he can be used as a Bad *** everywhere and you can have A LOT of fun with him.
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