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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Dodge, this has to be one of the most annoying mathups, she's going to harass you to death over and over, try and kill her level 2, but I would probably just dodge.
She keeps you alive, to the point where you can be practically unkillable. very tilting for the other team.
She keeps you alive, to the point where you can be practically unkillable. very tilting for the other team.
Champion Build Guide
1. Introduction |
2. Pros & Cons |
3. Runes |
About Me! Hello my name is Kalaaver on Mobafire and my IGN is Ramesses II! I'm a very experimental player, my favortie part of league is theory crafting builds. What's great is basically season 11 is a giant reset, and it's perfect for someone like me! Anywho, I was playing Xin Zhao mid in ranked in season 10 with great success, I would say he will be even stronger in the new season, so far the orginal build is still very good, but I'm working on some other builds that I will add later! I hope you enjoy my build/guide! |
Roam Strength: Insanely OP Speciality: Delete HP bars. Why Zin Mid? So from my experience, most mid laners can't handle Xin's early game damage,they're very squishy and Xin's level 2 is a first blood most of the time, from that point it's very easy to snowball with lethality items. With Xin's E being a good gap closer and him having absurd damage with his Q especially with lethality he's really hard to deal with for most mid laners pre 6. Even if you're facing a strong level 6 champion it might already be to late and you've already stomped the lane, he's that strong. Even if you don't stomp early, and perhaps you're being harassed, you have very good built in sustain, and one roam or gank can get you ahead and rolling. |
You will go Duskblade most of the time, the new Duskblade of Draktharr is perfect for our assassin Xin, as it now grants invisibility after a kill, so as soon as you nuke an HP bar it's hard to focus you especially in a team fight, and with your sustain even if you were fairly low, the invis gives you time to engage and or dis-engage and heal back. | Eclipse is good for tankier comps, you're going to be fighting for a lot longer against tanky champs so Duskblade of Draktharr dosen't serve us as much purpose. Thing to note build this if they have at least two or three DEDICATED tanks. |
Lethality Lethality is going to be your bread and butter, and I'm sorry for Crit lovers, Lethality from a damage perspective is better. Lethality synergizes with so much of your kit and makes your burst damage extremely high, crit is still good just not as good in my experience. |
GUARDIAN ANGEL Guardian Angel is core, you will need it, especially late game. You're a melee champ that's fairly squishy, even though you have good sustain you may kill a champ or two and then get bursted down, that's where GA comes in and possibly wins you a game. Other items like Sterak's Gage just aren't as good or worth it, especially in a late game barn burner. |
YOUMUU'S GHOSTBLADE Ghostblade is defintely another core item, the amount of lethality + the movement speed it gives you is to much to pass on. It really helps with roaming or chasing down a kill. Youmuu's Ghostblade is the item I used to rush in season 10, there are still times you're going to want to rush it over your mythic, if you're in a match up you struggle with rush ghostblade, you will want to be roaming a lot and may need to bonus movement speed if your jungler ganks you, and its also 200 gold cheaper then your mythic. |
Berserker's Greaves Now this is another item that might seem strange, and some may wonder why you wouldn't grab more value from defensive options like Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads, though sometimes those can be solid options, more often then not the value you get from Berserker's Greaves is higher, the reason being that you actually get more from having more attack speed, as the only source of attack speed after Hail of Blades and your E Audacious Charge are down is Blade of the Ruined King. Now it's more valuable to #1 be able to still have some DPS after those are down, and #2 to proc our passive Determination as much as possible. |
Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King offers us a lot of valuable stats, first of all its our only lifesteal item, and the reason we take it over Bloodthirster is because it offers us more overall such as Attack Speed, % bonus health damage, and it's passive synergizes with Hail of Blades, Three Talon Strike, and Determination. |
Thank you for checking out my guide on Xin Zhao! Have fun desroying solo que! I will be adding more to this guide in the future, such as, more critical builds + explanations, more item explanations and a skills section! Hope you enjoyed, and have fun on the rift!
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