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Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
In this guide you will see how to build

This chapter is about Taric's Pros and Cons.So Let's see!!
+Tanky support
+Can heal himself and his ally
+AOE spells
+Huge armor
+Nice Passive
But like every other champ
Taric have Cons too.
-Slow movement speed
-Mana hungry
-Small chance to escape without Flesh and Stun
This is everything I noticed about his PROS and CONS,so if you know more PROS/CONS feel free to say it to me!!

+Tanky support
+Can heal himself and his ally
+AOE spells
+Huge armor
+Nice Passive
But like every other champ

-Slow movement speed
-Mana hungry
-Small chance to escape without Flesh and Stun
This is everything I noticed about his PROS and CONS,so if you know more PROS/CONS feel free to say it to me!!
This explain for my item choice.
Faerie Charm
Health Potion
-3x Sight Ward
I like to start game with this items because i have a lot of survivability and vision in lane so enemy jungler have small chance to gank my lane. And of course
Faerie Charm is one step closer to Philosopher's Stone.
But if my team go to invade enemy jungle i usually starting with
Boots and 1x Sight Ward and 2x
Health Potion
- Philosopher's Stone
Heart of Gold
-A lot of Sight Wards
-And if u can Oracle Elixir
This is items which are nice for support because most support are mana hungry at start of game.
So u have some MP Regeneration and HP regeneration , some Health and 2 gold per second which is so nice.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Shurelya's Battlesong
Aegis of the Legion
This items are for your team and especially for your AD Carry because of
Aegis of the Legion's Aura .
Shurelya's Battlesong have nice activation for engage or run.
Frozen Heart
Abyssal Mask
-And last place in my build going to wards.
This items are one of the items which u cant buy every game because you don't have farm and kills.But if u get them before end of the game don't buy last item because that place belongs to wards!!!Look you are support u don't need too much items but your team need WARDS , because WARDS WIN THE GAME!!!
U probably know what are SITUATIONAL ITEMS so i dont want to explain this.
SITUATIONAL ITEMS for support are:
Soul Shroud
Void Staff
- Zeke's Herald
AND MORE............!!!


-3x Sight Ward
I like to start game with this items because i have a lot of survivability and vision in lane so enemy jungler have small chance to gank my lane. And of course

But if my team go to invade enemy jungle i usually starting with

- Philosopher's Stone


-A lot of Sight Wards
-And if u can Oracle Elixir
This is items which are nice for support because most support are mana hungry at start of game.
So u have some MP Regeneration and HP regeneration , some Health and 2 gold per second which is so nice.



This items are for your team and especially for your AD Carry because of



-And last place in my build going to wards.
This items are one of the items which u cant buy every game because you don't have farm and kills.But if u get them before end of the game don't buy last item because that place belongs to wards!!!Look you are support u don't need too much items but your team need WARDS , because WARDS WIN THE GAME!!!
U probably know what are SITUATIONAL ITEMS so i dont want to explain this.
SITUATIONAL ITEMS for support are:


- Zeke's Herald
AND MORE............!!!
This section is about Summoner Spells.
My standard summoner spell combination is:
But i using other summoner spell combination:
I usually using this combination for
Blitzcrank,but i use this for
Taric too.
This is good combination but i don't using this because i think that Support without
is not Support.
My standard summoner spell combination is:

But i using other summoner spell combination:

I usually using this combination for

This is good combination but i don't using this because i think that Support without

is not Support.
For masteries i using 1/3/26

I using only one upgrade from this part of Mastery Three and that upgrade is for

From this part i taking 3 updates for Armor because it make me so tanky in combination with my
W in early game.

From this part i taking a lot of things which can help me to support, like bigger vision of wards,more expiriance mana,CD of Summoner Spells and more...

I using only one upgrade from this part of Mastery Three and that upgrade is for

From this part i taking 3 updates for Armor because it make me so tanky in combination with my
W in early game.

From this part i taking a lot of things which can help me to support, like bigger vision of wards,more expiriance mana,CD of Summoner Spells and more...
The favorite part of gamae for me is WARDING!!!!!There are Sight Ward
Vision Ward which can detect Sight Ward.And There is Oracle Elixir which can detect both types of wards.This is my Warding Map:

-1st are Green-Black Wards which are early game wards.I using them to stop normal and lane ganks.And of course to have nice vision of enemy bot lane.
-2nd are Greed Wards which are mid and late game wards.Nice vision on enemys is always good.
-3rd are Pink Wards and they are always good to discover enemy Wards on Dragon and Baron.

-1st are Green-Black Wards which are early game wards.I using them to stop normal and lane ganks.And of course to have nice vision of enemy bot lane.
-2nd are Greed Wards which are mid and late game wards.Nice vision on enemys is always good.
-3rd are Pink Wards and they are always good to discover enemy Wards on Dragon and Baron.
And for now this is it.I hope you enjoyed in this guide for
Taric.This is not extensive guide but i think it can help.And of course vote and comment!!!!
And special thanks going to jhoijhoi for nice "Getting Started Guide"!!!

And special thanks going to jhoijhoi for nice "Getting Started Guide"!!!
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