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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability

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Run flash unless you're playing tp/ignite. |
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Ignite for kill pressure in lane. |

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Fizz's dexterity allows him to ignore unit collision and take (4/6/8/10/12/14) less damage from basic attacks. The amount is increased every 3 levels. |
Pretty nice passive that give syou a little bit of tanky and mobility in certain lane fights. |
A targeted dash through enemy target. You can use W and R during this cast. You always travel a fixed distance with the dash so you can walk up to the target to get further away and vice versa. |
Pretty standard auto reset ability. Can be used mid Q for faster combo. In melee matchups, prioritize auto-W early for trades. Can be maxed first into melee matchups with lots of trades / kill pressure. |
Fun ability that gives you mobility, invulnerability, damage, and waveclear. Probably one of the best abilities in the game and you literally build around it by stacking cdr so it's up as often as possible in teamfights. You can redirect the second E with flash by using E1-move cursor-flash while in E1. |
Big skillshot that almost always guarantees a kill if you hit it. Can cast mid Q to make it more reliable (e.g. Q on minion then R). Generally you will want to prep E1 right before the shark hits to guarantee E2 into combo. |

Generally you max R>E>W>Q. E max is good into most matchups for waveclear. I recommend W into melee matchups where you're winning trades or looking for kills as it's stronger in the 1v1. |

Starting Items
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Corrupting is good for nearly every matchup as it gives good health/mana sustain and trading power. Doran's ring / Dark Seal are viable for more damage in certain early all-ins. |
Early Game
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You can generally buy cdr boots as soon as you have a 900g recall. The early cdr is really good on fizz for his E and it gives you the option to choose your fights + take better early roams / resets. |
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Try to buy this on your first/second recall. The cdr is really good and it builds into liandries. |
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You can buy this if you have a spare 350g and want some extra damage / snowball the game. Can be upgraded into mejais later if ahead. |
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Most broken item in the game stat wise (like 185% gold efficient on full stacks). Rush this into all AD mids. |
Core Items
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Your second or third item depending on Hourglass priority into enemy team and how much damage you need. Lich bane is more damage while hourglass is more survivability. |
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Second or 3rd item. Super cheap and op item with really good stats for fizz. |
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After first 3 core items, you can build either void staff or deathcap. Deathcap requires more economy while void is cheaper and better into MR. Deathcap is a bigger powerspike. |
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Situational items
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Situational item when ahead. I usually upgrade this after Liandries if I have a lot of dark seal stacks / are super far ahead. |

NOTE: In this section, aa stands for auto-attack and Q W E R are abilities. |
Combo #1
Standard lane trade
Use this level 2+ when enemy mid uses cooldowns or steps too far up. Q can be used first instead in matchups where you want to hold E.
E | > | AA | > | W | > | Q |
Combo #2
Standard 1shot with R
Throw R when the enemy laner is in a predictable move pattern (e.g. autoing a minion, walking to/away from you in a straight line, etc.). You can also sit in a bush with control ward and wait for them to auto / walk into you.
R | > | WAITR | > | E | > | W | > | Q |
Combo #3
R mid Q
NOTE: Use Q on a minion and R mid Q to hide R cast animation.
Q | > | R | > | E | > | AA | > | W |
Early Game
Versus Melee Matchups: Always take ignite. Generally start W and look for auto-W when it's a good trade. You win vs most assassin mids, so you can get prio early by shoving and look for a wave bounce for level 3 kill with the wave pushing to you. Vs champs like renekton mid, let the wave push to you level 1 and give the first 5-10 cs if needed.
Versus Ranged Matchups: Start E and sit back in lane until the first 3 minions are low. Use e to secure cs and sit back. Generally you can ignore the first 5-10 cs to avoid too much poke early. By level 2 (with E and W) or 3, you have enough pressure to walk up for cs as you can win trades.
In general, look for good trades past level 2 (usually 3). At level 6, sit in a side bush with control ward and fake roam to bait the enemy laner into walking up for cs or walking into you for kills.
Mid Game Macro
Once you hit around midgame (when the first bot turret falls), you will usually want to switch with you bot lane to farm. This allows your bot lane to pressure or defend the mid turrets. Further, it's much easier for you to survive a gank without a tier 1 bot turret than your bot lane. Tell your team to drop flank wards beforehand if you have

When you splitpush with Fizz, there are a few things to watch out for. First, you must make sure not to be exerting more pressure than the rest of your team. For example, if you're at their tier 2 turret and your team is on baron, it's ok for you to be there even though the enemy team can collapse on you. If they do, your team secures a free baron. However, if you're pushed up to their tier 2 turret and your team is in base, then the enemy team can just 5v1 you and baron while you're dead.
Another problem is when the enemy top laner is stronger than you and he's also splitpushing in your lane. Here, you will want to call for your top laner to match the enemy top laner and you can rotate to the other side lane or 2v1 the enemy top laner as he pushes.
Keep in mind that you can always sit in a bush flanking your team if you think a fight is starting and you don't have teleport.
Approaching a Teamfight
You will want to start every teamfight flanking both teams. A flank behind the enemy team is preferable but you just have to make sure the enemy front line isn't between you and the enemy squishies. Once the fight begins, watch and wait for the enemy frontline to use their CC (like

Teamfight Target Selection
Here's a hypothetical situation: You've made it past all the enemy CC. Now you can use your full combo to delete one squishy from the teamfight. Do you kill the 10-3-5 Ryze, the 2-3-8 Lucian, or the 0-1-10 Janna? Well, even I couldn't tell you which one to go for. Your mistake was not picking a target before the start of the fight.
Before a fight starts, you want to first consider which enemies you can even 1-shot. This list will usually include the enemy mid, bot, and support. From this list, you want to find the biggest threat to your team. This is usually the enemy that does the most damage but could also include the

Now, you've narrowed down your list of targets to 1 or 2 (in our hypothetical situation, this would be Ryze and Lucian). First, check for items like

Another factor high elo players consider are summoner spell cooldowns. This can be a bit overwhelming if you're newer to the game, but timing summoner spells are incredibly important once you get to around Diamond 1 or above. It's actually pretty simple. To do this, make sure to have your chat timestamps enabled. For example, if the enemy Syndra flashes, click on the flash on the scoreboard (lets say, hypothetically, she flashes at 13:30). Then, when you're walking to lane or backing, simply add 5 minutes to the flash timestamp. Afterwards, type something like "mid f 1830," with 1830 meaning 18:30. You can do the same with heal (4 minute cd), barrer (3 minute cd), teleport (5 minute cd), ignite (3.5 minute cd), and etc. Remember that

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you notice any outdated sections or errors and I will do my best to fix them asap. Special thanks to missMaw for banners and coding. Lastly, if you enjoyed this guide, feel free to check out my other guides by clicking the icons below! |
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