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- The Sixth Sense ~ A focus on all things Lee Sin
- BAMF Hypercarry Free'lo GG KAYLE provided by EvilDice
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What are your thoughts on getting a Frozen Mallet? How would it affect your survivability if you swap it with the GA? That slow seems nice to have, especially in the laning phase, when you don't just want to be faster, but also keep them from getting back to their turret.
But i usually go for Cloth Armor and the 5 potions, allows me to juggling a little longer and don't have to go back at lvl 3.
But a very good guide of nocturne.
why u buy berserker creaves first then sell them and then buy mercurys??? and what u do with banshee u already have w skill o.O i vote -
You are obviously new to mobafire.
The guide states (in build section) that you can choose between berserker greaves or merc treads. Banshee's veil is good for any champion (spells/cc).
Perfectly good guide. GG wish I could report people for being stupid.