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Urgot Build Guide by crashstash5

ADC You Furgot about me? Guide to dominating as Urgot ADC

ADC You Furgot about me? Guide to dominating as Urgot ADC

Updated on August 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author crashstash5 Build Guide By crashstash5 2,188 Views 0 Comments
2,188 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author crashstash5 Urgot Build Guide By crashstash5 Updated on August 7, 2014
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Urgot
  • LoL Champion: Urgot
    Hard Pushing
  • LoL Champion: Urgot
    Against super high armor
  • LoL Champion: Urgot
    Standard all around

Why Urgot?

You might immediatly wonder what you were even thinking coming here in the firt place since your looking at guides for the least played champion in the game (If you dont know how I got that there should be a look up stats for this champion by elophant somewhere towards the top of the page) This gives him a massive advantage over champions that are commonly played especially in ranked because they wont know how to face you what your going to build etc but you will.
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Item Neccesitys

Urgot is a very powerfull champion but he can consume a lot of mana to deal his damage. So its pretty mandatory to get either manamune or essence reaver, Or just both. Along with this he is very good at grinding armor to take down tanks. Along with this basically all his offense is based off of AD so you should get a large amount of that. This is pretty much all you need but it is advisable to get some attack speed and Lifesteal to go with this.
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When farming remember you need to stay back a bit since your close range and easy to poke so mainly farm the melee minions since there the closest to you with your autoattacks and your Q. Pretty much this is all you want to do pre 6 besides occasionally swinging to the side and firing a Q to try and poke the other team.
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Your not exactly just going to farm all game so when you go in a fight your going to want to first try and position yourself relatively close to max out how many shots your going to land, Then you want to first try and hit the other carry / support (whichever you think you should kill first depending on priority and which is easier to get) with your E to lower there armor before activating your W to get your shield and start laying down alternating Acid Hunters and Basic Attacks on them. Remember if you can Q then AA then Q it usually works to lay down some pretty rapid damage. (Remember if you can land your E your Q goes to pretty much max range and is targetting so you can poke over minions even)
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Urgot is a fairly poky champion who relies on getting his enemys health down a little before going into an extended fight for a kill. Because of this he usually works well with people who have Hooks, Pokes, good defense, Or intense wifesteal (were all looking at you Thresh) Some of the best to work with him are people like Ahri Blitz Leona etc. Also this is suprisingly good and I really like this combo Urgot and Lulu. In a teamfight Urgot can ult somebody in the middle of the other team and Lulu can shield him and make him huge knocking everybody up and this can easily turn the tide in your favor.
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Pros / Cons

-High Sustain
-Grinds tanks easily
-Has some defence on his own
-With good support is amazing
-very unknown
-skillshot reliant
-higher mana costs
-No really good escape
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Ranked Play

Once you get to ranked you should have played a couple practice games with him but remember if the jungler comes to gank a easy takedown combo is for you to bait them in let the jungler come ult them so they really cant run and blow there faces off. This works pretty much every time but it relies on them not having warded the jungle so make sure you try and get them to ward the bushes in lane by hiding in there and poking hard with your Acid Hunters.
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Now that you know pretty much everything you need to know about how to play Urgot well you can go dominate with him. Have fun blowing people faces off.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author crashstash5
crashstash5 Urgot Guide
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You Furgot about me? Guide to dominating as Urgot ADC

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