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Urgot Build Guide by Blakespeare

Top You just got Urgotted (to make you feel like star guardian)

Top You just got Urgotted (to make you feel like star guardian)

Updated on April 13, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blakespeare Build Guide By Blakespeare 7,842 Views 0 Comments
7,842 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Blakespeare Urgot Build Guide By Blakespeare Updated on April 13, 2020
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Runes: Read Notes

Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Basic take
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

You just got Urgotted (to make you feel like star guardian)

By Blakespeare
intro (complaining about it)
yeah hey as one of my crazy brain moments i decided to attempt to play 100 straight games of urgot and descover what works and what doesn't. Ya boy URGOTTED has a lot of different flaws because lets face the facts here this champ was way better before they made his R global and W constantly active. the reason i had come back though was due to the lack of seeing this champion for the past year and remembering the good old days where you could just not take any damage with your w shield on a 2 second cool down that was the life. They defiled this champion with placing his valuable shield on a his "dash" which mean when in the heat of battle and you require a sheild you have to use e which pushes you out of position and when caught with URGOTTTED there is no way you get out all players of this camp know this.
What I found
Through the ability of trial and error of screams, flames and broken friendships with your best mate who's a jungle main, i have discovered the up side and down sides of the champion URGOTTED.

Great 1v1 potential and target lock down
Fantastic clean up
Powerful late game
Great Turret taking ability with max w
Fantastic nice looking aoe fear

Slow as (enter swear word)
Cannot engage on teams
easy to get caught
single target damage
Auto based
Ult cast is delayed #BlameTheHitBox
E is easy to predict and get away from
How to do (enter swear word)
Focus catching people and isolating for your single target damage. Let enemy team or your ally first engage so you can attach to the priority target. ult early on complete all ins the ability to hit your ult when point blank isn't great due to the delay enemies just move, or hit q before hand. For quick engages you want to use e flash its when after pressing e you press flash closing the distance and gaining an instant flip (the best way to catch people off guard and the only complicated mechanics you have in your kit). fighting within your minion wave with at least a 1 minion advantage is great, you can do this easily with the use of your q on slow malay champs when they go to cs then e flip into minions this maximises your early game trades. Also just a recommendation you always want to practice wave control with this champion easily the hardest thing with his shot gun knees, even after my 100 games in a row i still haven't perfected it, use one shot gun Knee and use the down knee to cs normally. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT ILL GIVE ITS OWN CHAPTER IS YOUR A FIGHTER NOT A LITTLE B(WORD) YOUR ABILITY TO RUN AWAY IS **** IF YOUR TRAPPED TURN ON THE CLOSEST AND F(WORD) THEM UP, THIS GIVES YOU A BETTER CHANCE OF A SUCCESSFUL FIGHT YOU THRIVE ON 1V1 POTENTIAL
well the runes sellected are much better then that of conk with a higher damage out put all through the game. But this does give away a lot of potential healing you can have making long fights pre deaths dance more difficult. Yet if you follow the recommended build and counter build depending on what match up you have this is a more effective way to pop off with ya boy. TAKE IT FROM ME A RANDOM ON THE INTERNET THAT SPENT WAY TO LONG PREPARING BUILDS FOR PEOPLE WHO PROBABLY WONT USE THEM
YOU ARE AN URGOT PLAYER WHETHER NEW OR OLD AND URGOT AINT A LITTLE HO. This part is dedicated to all those skinny none chad urgot players who hide behind walls and be scared. Your the master of 1v1 if your getting ganked focus down 1 use your ult and then use your fear to focus the next 9/10 times you'll get one kill instead of dying because your tried to ***** out. Your are the CLEAN UP KING if you com back after a team fight and there are a few WEAKLINGS still walking around get your six legged *** in there and take them out 1 on one using your ult, e, q and flash combos to space them out for a winnable "team" fight.
fair thee well
welcome you have completed my ugrot guide, i sure hope you use this and find it to your liking. Now when i say my fair wells i wish with all my heart to you beautiful people help bring ugotted back into the meta. GO MY COMPANIONS AND DESTROY THOSE WHO APPOSE THE URGOT (I KNOW YOUVE GOT TIME ITS THE CORONA VIRUS AFTER ALL) MAKE ME PROUD DADDDY OUT.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blakespeare
Blakespeare Urgot Guide
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You just got Urgotted (to make you feel like star guardian)

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