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Runes: Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
He's not much of a threat in lane, just dodge his silence and treat his minions like heimerdinger turrets (kill them instantly upon spawn) Look to get rid of his shield between him auto'ing the wave, and then look to do heavy trades after you kill his minions. His pushing power is so good that its better to just try and surivive in way until you can get Wit's End and Noonquiver to try and start going against him.
Champion Build Guide
P.S. This guide is very much a work-in-progress, and will be updated the more I play Yuumi-Mid, and learn more about her matchups and build optimizations. If you see parts of the build that could be optimized, or runes you like to run on her, please comment them and I will test them and change the guide accordingly. Thank you!

Bop N' Block:
Yuumi's passive is one of the only reason's she can survive laning, and her greatest tool for trades. Just autoing the enemy champion once gives her a significant amount of mana back, and a shield to continue the trade with. Due to this, you only want to take trades when your passive is off cooldown, and you only want to take short trades, where you don't take much more damage than the value of the shield. However, you do some leniency with this, as your E will heal you, and you use it at the start of almost every trade, so start to think of your passive shield and E heal as a resource that you want to get rid of the exact amount every time you take a trade, so you stay at your previous health while damaging the enemy at the same time. Do this and you can't lose.

Prowling Projectile:
This ability isn't very useful on Yuumi Mid, since you don't build almost any ad, unless you buy a dark seal and stack it for very cheap ap, and since you won't be attached to anyone most of the time it's very slow and hard to hit. Only use this if you need to guarantee farm under tower, or use it to finish off a low opponent, or to mind game someone into moving into a wall or other teammate's ability. And of course, if you are attached to someone it does decent damage even without ap so try to hit it if you can.

You and Me!:
The stat boosts this ability has can come in useful if you are falling behind, and have a carry on your team, but since your heal will be very weak I'd only use this on someone who is faster than you and a fight is going on that you don't want to miss (example: Master Yi going into a fight with ult, Sion ult, Kled ult, Aurelion Sol flying in with a stun, etc.).

This is Yuumi's 2nd most important ability, and the reason I'm tempted to build Essence Reaver a lot of games. The amount of mana this ability consumes is ridiculous, but if you make sore to trade every time you use it, and to proc Pop N' Block as much as you can, it shouldn't be too bad to manage. But don't see this ability as just a free heal, it is your core all-in ability. It gives you a ridiculous amount of attack speed, move speed, and the heal can suprise unsuspecting enemies who think you are easy pickings. A great way to engage on an enemy is to trade until you are both half health or lower, keep going into for cs to make them comfortable with you going up over and over, and then when they go for a cs thinking you'll do the same, E and run at them, ignite, auto 3 times to proc your PTA, and then finish them off with Q and/or ult.

Final Chapter:
Ah, the biggest bait of Yuumi's kit, her ult. While playing Yuumi Support, this is a huge, fight changing ability, but this only slightly applies now. This is no longer an engage tool, but a finisher for an extremely low opponent out of your range, or as a de-engage tool for a ganking jungler or eager opponent who see's your cat as a free xp and gold snack. Using this an engage while you are by yourself is like running it down into enemy tower, the stun ends before your ult does, so you are stuck in an ult that does zero damage, slows you, and prevents you from autoing and fighting back. Only use this in a big teamfight, or as a get-away tool.
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