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Runes: Default
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Clear paths
Blue side:
Your hope when clearing bluie side is that the enemy jungler does not go for bottom scuttler. If you can take bottom scuttler undetected, you get both a really good pink ward placement and a strong gank bot-lane. If the enemy jungler is bot, look for ganks or just keep clearing camps.
One good options after red is krugs->raptors->gank mid->top scuttle->clear blue side.
It is rarely worth it to contest scuttle, as zac is really weak 1v1 early.
Red side:
When doing red side, you can look for ganks around step 4, 6 and 8. If the enemy team pushes hard you can sneak in a gank over the wall after step 2. Just remember that you need about 6 camps to reach lvl 4, which is when E has enough range for decent ganks.
First buy: Skip potions, not necessary on zac. Do these 3 camps as described below, then back and get Dark Seal.
Kill the 3 blue side camps:
0. Place your ward to spot invades.
1. Start at wolves instead of the buff
2. Pull blue and bromp simultaneously: Basic attack Blue, then walk towards gromp. Use Q on gromps as soon as in range, then basic attack blue once it's inside the Q range indicator. Kill both and use smite to survive.
Watch the video below if you're unsure:
Walkthrough of first clear:
Bonus: why vision control is so important

One good options after red is krugs->raptors->gank mid->top scuttle->clear blue side.
It is rarely worth it to contest scuttle, as zac is really weak 1v1 early.
Red side:

First buy: Skip potions, not necessary on zac. Do these 3 camps as described below, then back and get Dark Seal.
Kill the 3 blue side camps:
0. Place your ward to spot invades.
1. Start at wolves instead of the buff
2. Pull blue and bromp simultaneously: Basic attack Blue, then walk towards gromp. Use Q on gromps as soon as in range, then basic attack blue once it's inside the Q range indicator. Kill both and use smite to survive.
Watch the video below if you're unsure:
Walkthrough of first clear:
Bonus: why vision control is so important
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