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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Contempt for the Weak (PASSIVE)
Zed Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
cool runes and item guides for your next zed game, I'm not an expert at this game but I know how to play it and how to get max damage out of items.
for this, I tried out all 3 lethality mythics and had to try most items,
I found out that with the 15% amp that prowlers give you, you get more damage out of dusk and eclipse.
for the runes I chose to go with arcane comet, arcane comet gives you lots of damage even if you miss your q-w combo you'll get the damage from the runes that you wouldn't get on electrocute. As I said before on the summoner spells, Scorch will help on early game 1v1's if the enemy is low and trying to get away.
thanks for your patience.
for this, I tried out all 3 lethality mythics and had to try most items,
I found out that with the 15% amp that prowlers give you, you get more damage out of dusk and eclipse.
for the runes I chose to go with arcane comet, arcane comet gives you lots of damage even if you miss your q-w combo you'll get the damage from the runes that you wouldn't get on electrocute. As I said before on the summoner spells, Scorch will help on early game 1v1's if the enemy is low and trying to get away.
thanks for your patience.
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