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Zed General Guide by KibidonSRT4

Jungle Zed - The Ninja Jungle King

Jungle Zed - The Ninja Jungle King

Updated on December 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KibidonSRT4 Build Guide By KibidonSRT4 1,808 Views 1 Comments
1,808 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KibidonSRT4 Zed Build Guide By KibidonSRT4 Updated on December 19, 2012
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Zed - The Jungle King

Zed is a fantastic champion. His AOE DPS and single target DPS is unparalleled throughout ALL game. He really shines late game. I have been experimenting with Zed, and I have come up with a viable jungle build that works at LEVEL 14 with RUNES. That is only +6 armor pen, +5 armor, and all AD masteries. I know it will work on a level 30 (My three 30's do not have zed.). I carry games hard. Zed takes ALOT of practice, he has infinite possibilities.

Zed is the one champion that with his ult, w, and flash -- could move to 4 different positions in the matter of a second.

Note: I just learned this two weeks ago, practice SMART CASTING. This is when you hold SHIFT+SKILL KEY... for example SHIFT+W on zed shoots his shadow where the mouse is. In essence, it makes all skills skillshots -- and it is much faster and all the pros do it.

Now do you want to own with Zed? Proceed through the guide. I am also available on my smurf account. Just add "Xarios of Death", say you saw my guide, and we will own noobs together. :) Level 15 as of 12-19-12, all are welcome - I am here to teach.

About me: I am 22, name is Neil. I love cars, computers, and dirt bikes. I have a 2006 Mazda RX8, and I have played league since 2009. I reside in Minnesota, USA.
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PROS / cons

Pros & Cons of Zed: The Assassin

* Awesome GANKER
* Shreds jungle early-mid game
* Insane damage out put - wtf hit me?
* Shadows are just plain fun to
mess with people.
* Can carry hard if played
* He is a ****ing NINJA


* Squishy at start, jungle takes practice.
* Takes a lot of skill to own - practice makes perfect.
* Targeted alot because of his insane damage output.
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Jungling -- VIP

Zed: How-To Jungle

Zed is a very good jungler once he hits about 8-10 minutes ingame. He needs two doran blades minimum to successfully shred the jungle to pieces.

Start at blue, get a leash to half hp, have them goto lane, use smite -- and then use recall after u kill all the blue camp creeps. Get 5 health potions from the gold from blue. Then goto wolves, wraiths, golems, then red golem.

I then usually gank whichever lane needs help / or is being pushed. The key to zed is to get fed, and get fed quick, because he snowballs like crazy.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KibidonSRT4
KibidonSRT4 Zed Guide
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Zed - The Ninja Jungle King

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