LoL Best Zed Jungle Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Zed Jungle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Zed Jungle builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 3 Builds
Zed Jungle AD [PT-BR]
Zed, Shadow of Death
Zed Jungle - The Guide
Zed Aint Dead!
The Sharp Shadow (Jungle Zed) (Under development
zed in da jungle (its wild out here you dont want to spend a
Zed, the Deadliest of All
ZED OP! BETTER NERF HIM! Jungle Guide. (Under Construction)
Zed Jungle Tankkiller
Zed - The Ninja Jungle King
Zed - AD Caster Jungle Dealing TONS OF DAMAGE!
Zed, from the shadow to the jungle
Season 2 Guides
Zed - The Master of the Shadows - Jungle guide [in-depth]
Zed, Master of the Shadows-Jungle/Top
Zed Jungle - No technique is forbidden
Zed - The unseen blade is the deadliest
Season 2 Builds