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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
Build 1 = AP
Build 2 = AD
Build 1 is what i recommend, because in my opinion, Ziggs is an AP carry, obviously because all of his abilities are affected by ability power.
Build 2 is really just what i would do to mess around, DPS Ziggs is only what i use as a last resort if my team really needs it, now, i said in the introduction that i dont lane Ziggs with other champions because i dont like it. well, DPS Ziggs usually needs a laning partner if he is rolling AD.
One thing that makes Ziggs so unique is his bouncing bomb. It can hit on first hit, or bounce up to three times and then explode dealing damage, and you know what else, his ultimate is pretty unique aswell, at first it thought it would be a lot like Gangplank's ultimate but it is in my opinion a lot stronger and probably better.
i have nothing better to say, just trying to get my build out there:
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