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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
You can pick a replacement for the greater Seals i've chosen for this build, but this is only reliable if you get the blue buff early on, and keep getting it as game goes by. The scaling mana gives ziggs the ability to poke a lot the enemy's champions, and as you reach level 18 you do well with your current mana stats without a blue buff, although it will still be very usefull for cooldowns.
Ziggs can turn around an entire fight (unless whole enemy team feed, which will be hard to do it so just poke and do as much damage you can in a safe distance, until you see a oportunity to engage and kill enemy's AP carry or AD carry), by just beeing precise when using his abilities. If you're in a team with a lot of cc just try to poke, until someone engages and you see the chance to land a good ult and help your team do even more damage with the rest of ziggs's abilities.
Although ziggs beeing able to deal massive damage to enemies, you must always remember to keep your distance. Ziggs is very squishy, and if they stun you or get you in the middle of the fight, you're done, unless someone saves you or shield's you, or if you make a perfect use of you W, which knocks you back as well as enemy champions.
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