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Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
Hello this is my first guide on Mobafire on one of my favorite champions Ziggs in this guide i'll try to guide you some information and tips to help you master him :)
My runes are pretty the same like any ap champion focusing on MP and AP and some Mana regen nothing special but this rune build will give me alot of Damage in the begging
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Greater Seal of Replenishment
Greater Glyph of Ability Power
Greater Quint of Potency
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Greater Seal of Replenishment
Greater Glyph of Ability Power
Greater Quint of Potency
Pros :
+ Long range Skills
+ Really good harasser with Bouncing Bomb
+ Almost global ult Mega Inferno Bomb
+ Good ganker
+ Satchel Charge Can pass walls
+ He is a yordle
- Squishy
- focused alot in team fights keep a distance and throw your bombs
- He's ult have a mark that warn enemy's its coming ..
- Need skill to master his bombs esp Bouncing Bomb
- Really mana hungry at the begninig ask a teammate to help you get blue buff.
Ziggs Is a really good farmer using Bouncing Bomb and Hexplosive Minefield these good farming abilities will let you farm easily Short Fuse can help you last hitting creeps too .
You will start off with Doran's Ring then getting back for Boots then grab another Doran's Ring for some hp and more ap rushing for Rod of Ages will make you spam your Abilities and have enough hp to stay in lane for long time start ganking and help your team with Mega Inferno Bomb to get some more gold for your Rabadon's Deathcap after this you will have lots of ap to nuke anyone 1v1.
Starting :
Core/Mid game :
Late game :
Starting :
Core/Mid game :
Late game :
= Ziggs passive is short fuse every 12 seconds ziggz next basic attack will deal bonus damage
Always hit your enemy with this it deals quit good damage combined with Bouncing Bomb
= Ziggs throws a long range bomb that bounce Twice and deals damage
Bouncing Bomb is your main damage ability max it first and always harass with it due to the long Safe range
Escape ability.. Nuff said
= Ziggs throw's bombs in an area which slows enemy who step on it and deals damage
Help to catch up to an enemy or escaping.
= Ziggs throw's a NUKE to a selected area which have a long range almost global that deal heavy damage
Playing 1v1 :
In 1v1 You lead with Short Fuse and throw Hexplosive Minefield and Bouncing Bomb
ending with Mega Inferno Bomb all that damage will make your enemy switch lane xD
Always hit your enemy with this it deals quit good damage combined with Bouncing Bomb
= Ziggs throws a long range bomb that bounce Twice and deals damage
Bouncing Bomb is your main damage ability max it first and always harass with it due to the long Safe range
Escape ability.. Nuff said
= Ziggs throw's bombs in an area which slows enemy who step on it and deals damage
Help to catch up to an enemy or escaping.
= Ziggs throw's a NUKE to a selected area which have a long range almost global that deal heavy damage
Playing 1v1 :
In 1v1 You lead with Short Fuse and throw Hexplosive Minefield and Bouncing Bomb
ending with Mega Inferno Bomb all that damage will make your enemy switch lane xD
As mentioned before Ziggs ult Mega Inferno Bomb is almost global with this ult you can throw it at very long range if your team warded baron nashor or dragon and you see your enemy's trying to get it throw your Mega Inferno Bomb at it to steal it and maybe get kills.
Ziggs is a nuke damage dealer in teamfights never go first just let your tank start it and STAY AT SAFE DISTANCE and throw your abilities spaming Bouncing Bomb and throwing Mega Inferno Bomb will let you win the teamfight for sure and you'll get a Penta or Quadra if done right :) just like me.
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