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Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
to my Ziggs build/guide. Throughout this text was done in Portuguese and translated into English in google translator.Ziggs is one of the best AP Mage in the game so we'll use it against others champs.
(its my first build so dont kill me)
- For the items, I chose as the ability power Ziggs, AP being completely made no sense to hybrid or AD.
- The two Doran's Ring will give us the mana we need to start, the ability power and some life, but will only be useful when we have the sorcerer's shoes, to pierce the little resistance that the enemy has against AP.
- Mejai's Soulstealer is very useful if we are very active in game and if we help to kill.
- Void staff will help you do more damage and Rabadon Deathcap's going to act on enemies in a way that they do not go sazer they're just warming up.
if you are winning and you dont need Thornmail, do one Hextech Gunblade (for life steal and spell vamp.) or one Abyssal Scepter (this is for huge AP, with 80% magic penetration)
- The two Doran's Ring will give us the mana we need to start, the ability power and some life, but will only be useful when we have the sorcerer's shoes, to pierce the little resistance that the enemy has against AP.
- Mejai's Soulstealer is very useful if we are very active in game and if we help to kill.
- Void staff will help you do more damage and Rabadon Deathcap's going to act on enemies in a way that they do not go sazer they're just warming up.
if you are winning and you dont need Thornmail, do one Hextech Gunblade (for life steal and spell vamp.) or one Abyssal Scepter (this is for huge AP, with 80% magic penetration)
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