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Zoe Build Guide by Rabiel

Middle Zoe attack speed build

Middle Zoe attack speed build

Updated on June 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rabiel Build Guide By Rabiel 913 Views 0 Comments
913 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rabiel Zoe Build Guide By Rabiel Updated on June 29, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

Zoe attack speed build

By Rabiel
Zoe attack speed build and made up of attack speed items your first item you will buy will be Doran's blade which gives you good sustenance in Lane and good initial damage.
Your first item will be Kill Craquens plus your Spike and two items, so don't try to fight too much until you close the second item that triggers it. third item terminus with this item zoe will already have a very high attack speed and you can end up with cannon and king destroyed
Gameplay Mid
As this build is versatile, it can be played in two lanes, so for mid is a gameplay and for ADC and another, I'll talk about mid first. zoe attack speed in the mid you play safe the first levels avoiding short exchanges and staying more on the kite If you want long exchanges, after the first levels you level up and then there's the build trick, you use the e on the guy and auto attack him and play well at distance as if he were a TF for example
In the runes there is only one that accelerates the feet, which is a very good rune for Lane, in general, it gives you the possibility of greater kait and additional speed movement secondary runes triumph legend acceleration to death triple tonic approach speed and attack speed and life in the last two
Gameplay adc
for you to play with Zoe in ADC and it's a little more difficult mid she gets ganked before taking 6 it can delay her Spike so play safe levels first here you want more short exchanges Easy to form in terms of skills you can level up what are the skills you use most with Zoe and use your ults all the time both to poke and to deal damage in general, abuse the ult
In this Zoe build you need to know how to kit and if you know how to kit well you will be a god in the team fight because of the damage she causes per second, very difficult to kill if played well.
for boots there is a wide variety but for zoe in this specific build I use wizard boots plus attack speed mercury boots or ninja boots, they are good, it also depends on the game and your preference.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rabiel
Rabiel Zoe Guide
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Zoe attack speed build

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