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Minions and plant's don't provide any safety against his WQ, and his R makes him way too tanky for your damage output to deal with. Take Comet and play safe. Also, warn your team of his roams!
Bardo's low range makes him vulnerable to your early poke, but his W allows him to somewhat sustain through Zyra's onslaught. His threat lies in Zyra's inability to match his amazing roams, and his better lategame.
Respect his teamfighting and burst. Dodge his Q and you'll win every trade.
Play behind minions. Plants block his hook, so if he ever steps up without a minion wave present, Zyra can just hide behind plants. Despite this, always be wary of his grab. Also, ping his roams if possible.
Braum is useless against Zyra as long as she dodges his Q. His E can intercept your E, but he'll still be rooted. Respect the power of his R, and run if somehow applies his passive.
His P autos can instantly clear multiple plants, so spread them out. Respect his engage potential, but Zyra is able to poke Galio down outside his Q range, and E'ing his W completely shuts him down in skirmishes.
Despite her shielding, Zyra both outranges and outpokes the disengage queen. She is extremely squishy, but her mobility makes catching her quite difficult.
She's annoying early, but Zyra outscales Karma. Be careful of her Mantra Q poke, I guess? Honestly, I never see Karma, so I'm not entirely sure what to say here.
Leona is Zyra's hardest matchup. Poking her is never safe, she outroams Zyra. Either ban, dodge or pray that an ally can carry. You can't hide from her behind minions. You can't hide under tower. I'm even doubting if spawn provides safety against her. I'd rate her higher if I could.
I hate Lulu. She will negate your burst, poke and fun. Jokes aside, this gremlin will survive the laning phase with ease and completely outscale Zyra. If any Lulu players happen to read this, may I ask why you play her?
Both Zyra and Lux have long range harass, great teamfighting and CC. Engage whenever she uses Q, play safe whenever she has it up. She is extremely squishy, so catching her usually results in a kill.
Both Zyra and Nami are bullies that scale decently, but Zyra has the edge in early fights as her CC is far more reliable. However, Nami can sustain through Zyra's poke, at the cost of large amounts of mana - engage whenever she is low.
Poke her out of lane, hide behind minions to dodge her Q and respect her Flash-R-Zhonyas. Your E has a lower CD than her E, so bait it out before engaging.
As with Blitzcrank, you can hide behind minions and activated plants. However, his W negates a large portion of your poke, and minions don't provide safety against his R. If he ever catches you alongside an aggressive ADC, you are completely doomed.
Even after recent changes aimed at forcing him away from the support role, this bare-chested spartan is still an issue. Play REALLY defensive. His E completely negates your burst, instead try to poke him down. His R roams are extremely strong, and there isn't much you can do to counter them.
Respect his level 6. His W is extremely telegraphed, so Zyra can stun him easily as he engages, ruining his ult. Aside from his Q, there's nothing he can do about Zyra's poke.
Imagine Lux. But with way more CC. And instead of being a Demacian noble, it's a literal tree. Avoid bushes like the plague and always stay out of his W range whilst poking. The matchup is winnable, but so annoying.
I was honestly excited for Rell, her design looked amazing and her theme is just badass. But as I saw her crab-walk away after yet another failed W, my interest faded away. It's a free matchup for the time being, Rell desperately needs some attention.
Pyke falls off extremely quickly. Play safe, build Zhonyas to deny his R and hope he doesn't roam. Like with other hookers, cower behind plants. Be careful of Pyke's E-Flash / E-Prowler's.
You can hide behind plants to dodge his hook, but Thresh can always dash to the hooked plant and E. Poke whenever safe, be careful of lantern ganks and things will go smoothly. Again, ping his roams!
Similar story to Lux, but Seraphine's R is far more powerful, and should always be taken into consideration. Her early poke rivals Zyra's, play around her E cooldown pre-six. Forcing her W is great as it has a massive cooldown.
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