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Zyra Build Guide by InTheAir

Zyra - Rising the Thorns - Zyra Mid Guide

Zyra - Rising the Thorns - Zyra Mid Guide

Updated on September 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InTheAir Build Guide By InTheAir 1,677 Views 0 Comments
1,677 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author InTheAir Zyra Build Guide By InTheAir Updated on September 1, 2012
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Hello and Welcome to my Zyra Mid guide! This is my first guide so don't be mad if it's bad!
This is my item build to Zyra and runes/masteries.
I usually get many kills but not all the time :)

This will be a short guide so yeah..
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Runes and Masteries

Well when i go mid i always have MR-Runes, it's important for Zyra too beacuse she's very squishy. I also have Magic Penetration Runes so i can penetrate their Magic Resist! It's very good for Zyra that have so much damage with her plants and her Q.
And of course we have Ability Power runes as Quintessence and Glyph, but i dont have AP per level.

Now masteries!

Masteries can help you very much, i dont know what to write here about masteries but.. As you see, you will spec in Butcher beacuse u need the extra damage dealt to minions if you don't wanna waste mana on your plants while farming, but i recommend that it's important with Farming!
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Your items is important, You need Doran's ring in the beginning for mana regen and ap, but when Zyra go nerfed her movement speed got nerfed too! So if you hate it when you are slow just buy boots with 3 HP Pots instead THEN you but Doran's ring when you can.
After you got 750 gold you go back and buy Kage's Lucky Pick just for the extra AP and some extra gold per 10 second.

And you also know that Zyra is very squishy so you have to buy Catalyst when you are starting harassing your enemie.


Buy a blasting wand for more extra AP so you can deal so much damage that around 2-4 bars will
disappear if you do a combo that i will tell more about soon.
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The Combo

As you know with Zyra you have to do a good combo to get very much damage.

If you got your extra AP from like.. Kages Lucky Pick or/and Blasting wand then you can start harassing.

When you reach level 6 you can kill your enemies but first i will tell you about the harassing combo.

Harassing Combo

When your enemie is in a range of your E (Snare) strike him/her DIRECTLY (OPS, BE SURE TO NOT MISS) and quick as lightning you Take out your seed/s and Q your enemie after it.



You do as the harassing combo, start with your snare (E), take out your seeds and Q them, ULTIMATE and Ignite them! If they flash away you have too flash behind them too IF THEY FLASH AWAY FROM YOUR ULTIMATE!, DONT FLASH IF THEY DIDN'T FLASH AWAY FROM ULTIMATE.
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Pros / Cons

- Bursting down enemies HP to half
- Not soo Squishy
- Your Q will do very very much damage (Doesn't have to be like too much but if it atleast take down 2-4 bars
- Um.. i can't figure out more Pros xD

- Squishy
- No damage at all
- Skinny but slow xD
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Give Tips to improve the guide!

I would love some tips that could make my guide better!
Please comment and tell me what i should improve for my next guide or for this guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InTheAir
InTheAir Zyra Guide
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Zyra - Rising the Thorns - Zyra Mid Guide

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