@Whytenblaque, I'm super sorry for the really long delay. Here's what I have for the introduction banner, and I wanted to confirm that this is style you were talking about before going ahead and doing the headers.
Yes, that looks perfect! It's all I imagined and more; beautiful work, thank you :)
I was going to edit my headers section to add this, but since this is a better place to add it: Please also make a "Summoner Spells" header, I forgot to put it in the list. Again, though, no rush at all--I'm still not done the guide, and probably won't be for another week or so, so feel free to take your time on other requests before mine.
EDIT: Upon editing my guide a bit and working the banner in (as well as changing to a custom ToC as opposed to the one Mobafire provides, as the banner WITH the Mobafire ToC looked odd), I've realized that the art I requested for my headers really won't go well with the guide, since it's got a blue theme going and PROJECT: Yasuo is red/orange, making the color scheme a bit off.
If possible, I'd like to request that my headers instead use the same art as the banner (the base Yasuo splash), as opposed to what I requested (the PROJECT: Yasuo splash). If that's too much hassle, don't worry about it, it's a rather minor thing in the end--but I'm really glad you decided to hold off on the headers, since the banner made me realize the headers I requested would've been a bit off thematically.
I was wondering if you could make a 1920x1080 wallpaper with this pic: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4r7d2csWoUM/UmYwqIZcaEI/AAAAAAAAaRo/hBZFDlKccRw/s1920/rammus-1080.jpg
Simply stating: Okay. <-- I would really appreciate the period after. And if you could add a glow effect around Rammus that would be cool. :)
Simply stating: Okay. <-- I would really appreciate the period after. And if you could add a glow effect around Rammus that would be cool. :)
I've finally found a picture for my banner lol.
Could you please make this be-autiful Emi :3
Just found this in elohell. Lol.
I was wondering if you'd find a way to make it 700 width by adding something to the background?
Could you please make this be-autiful Emi :3
Just found this in elohell. Lol.
I was wondering if you'd find a way to make it 700 width by adding something to the background?
Hi Emi :) How are you?
I've got a request to make. I'm planning on making a reworked Viktor guide. It's going to have a reddish
Creator Viktor
theme and analytical report-stylish content.
I've been trying to make a banner and dividers for it, but I don't like my results and I'm kinda out of inspiration. Would it be possible to make those for me?:p Something like, Data log: The Glorious Evolution - The Creator Perfected (The Creator Perfected is the guide's title, I would like to add a report thingy to the banner but feel free to do as you want:) )
(Might ask for chapter banners as well later on if I can't manage (if you're up for it).)
Thanks in advance!
I've got a request to make. I'm planning on making a reworked Viktor guide. It's going to have a reddish

I've been trying to make a banner and dividers for it, but I don't like my results and I'm kinda out of inspiration. Would it be possible to make those for me?:p Something like, Data log: The Glorious Evolution - The Creator Perfected (The Creator Perfected is the guide's title, I would like to add a report thingy to the banner but feel free to do as you want:) )
(Might ask for chapter banners as well later on if I can't manage (if you're up for it).)
Thanks in advance!
@Whytenblaque Finally finished your request! I guess it turned out to be a good thing I hadn't started yet, huh? ;D Also, I wasn't sure what you would have liked with the "mini-headers", but I hope what I've come up with is okay.
Spoiler: Click to view
@xAncestor, here it is ^_^ I couldn't fit the entire text within the skull, but I think it turned out okay (open in new tab for full resolution)
Spoiler: Click to view
@NRS, banner or divider? o_O In your first post you requested 2 dividers, but this time you said banner...?
@DarkestDuck, I clicked on the link but it isn't working :/ If you could send me another or even just tell me what skin it was, I can start working on it :)
@Foxy, I got held up a bit finishing everyone else's stuff, but I'll get onto yours soon :)

@xAncestor, here it is ^_^ I couldn't fit the entire text within the skull, but I think it turned out okay (open in new tab for full resolution)

@NRS, banner or divider? o_O In your first post you requested 2 dividers, but this time you said banner...?
@DarkestDuck, I clicked on the link but it isn't working :/ If you could send me another or even just tell me what skin it was, I can start working on it :)
@Foxy, I got held up a bit finishing everyone else's stuff, but I'll get onto yours soon :)
Made this sig myself :)

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@NRS there wasn't really much I was supposed to do xD I just resized it, haha. If you want something more elaborate, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
@xAncestor, before I get started on yours, I need to know the resolution of your computer.
@teufel1000, I couldn't find a good spot to put my credit in :/ I ended up just leaving it out, since it looked way better without it. If you want to credit, just hit the +Rep button and that's more than enough to show appreciation ^_^