Type of order: wallpaper perhaps?
Image : http://www.leagueoflegendsskins.com/images/champions/splash/Malzahar_2.jpg
Text : The Void Is Eternal
Description : Make the picture look sick and i trust you. i saw your work and they're like beast so i know that you will do a good job!
Good Luck!
Image : http://www.leagueoflegendsskins.com/images/champions/splash/Malzahar_2.jpg
Text : The Void Is Eternal
Description : Make the picture look sick and i trust you. i saw your work and they're like beast so i know that you will do a good job!
Good Luck!
Hi there! I'm currently improving on my old guide and I need new guide graphics.
Type of order: Guide Graphics
Image: Use this or this, whichever you think is better and easier to work with.
Text: Whatever you think looks nice
Description: Everything is totally up to you, make it as pretty as possible ;) Also, make sure you make banners for Combos, Matchups, Jungling and Gameplay, along with the "main" ones.
Type of order: Guide Graphics
Image: Use this or this, whichever you think is better and easier to work with.
Text: Whatever you think looks nice
Description: Everything is totally up to you, make it as pretty as possible ;) Also, make sure you make banners for Combos, Matchups, Jungling and Gameplay, along with the "main" ones.
LaCorpse wrote:
I'm now closed.
Please do not request anymore.
2. IShouldGetALife
3. brkl789
4. Veng again
5. Arenor
6. PexiLexi
7. Jhoi
I will only do the requests that have been requested after I'm done with Jhois, if I feel like it.. since I did say not to request and my shop does say that it is closed.
Orianna Guide // Ahri Guide // +Rep for hugs ♡ // Signature Café!!

A Special Thanks To Those Who Made Me Signatures
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Type of order: Signature
Image: https://www.google.se/search?um=1&safe=off&client=opera&channel=suggest&hl=sv&biw=1920&bih=996&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=nightblade+irelia&oq=nightblade+irelia&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l6.24044.26370.0.26487.
Text: Ionia will prevail!
Description: I want the font on the upper left side, please add some cool bling bling, not too "girly" colors ;) I'd like the font in white or VERY light grey, you may decide for urself, if u dont want to decide then pick white.
Thanks in b4 <3
Image: https://www.google.se/search?um=1&safe=off&client=opera&channel=suggest&hl=sv&biw=1920&bih=996&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=nightblade+irelia&oq=nightblade+irelia&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l6.24044.26370.0.26487.
Text: Ionia will prevail!
Description: I want the font on the upper left side, please add some cool bling bling, not too "girly" colors ;) I'd like the font in white or VERY light grey, you may decide for urself, if u dont want to decide then pick white.
Thanks in b4 <3

sulle17 wrote:
Type of order: Signature
Text: Ionia will prevail!
Description: I want the font on the upper left side, please add some cool bling bling, not too "girly" colors ;) I'd like the font in white or VERY light grey, you may decide for urself, if u dont want to decide then pick white.
Thanks in b4 <3
cleaned it up: img - here
yw :3
-NA- Veng Lmfao wrote:
back for more <3
Type of order: Signature
Image: Battlecast Cho
Size: 500x150
Text: Read below for details
Extra: Up to you!
Would you be able to do 2 versions of this signature, one with the text Veng Lmfao and another with the text Battle Casting (main text) a guide by Veng Lmfao (sub text)? Identical except for the text. Thanks!
Type of order: Signature
Image: Haytham Kenway
Size: 500x150
Text: Haytham Kenway (main text) Veng Lmfao (sub text)
Extra: Make it simple yet stunning!
Thanks LaCorpse, sorry for overloading you, but as I've said, I LOVE your work and I'm greedy.

I can't really do anything for your other request, it would be annoying to render and its not a png.
Orianna Guide // Ahri Guide // +Rep for hugs ♡ // Signature Café!!

A Special Thanks To Those Who Made Me Signatures
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Arenor wrote:
Hi :) my name is Arenor, i already have a sig from virusNG1 which is awesome, but im changing my guides name and i need a new sig to fit.
Order: signature
Picture: Highest res i could find
Text: Permafrost
Description: Dark and cold. try to portray the new sejuani, armored and freezing. so ummm maybe increase the contrast and add some blue, maybe a snowy overlay to it, not childish snowy i mean as if the screen is covered in ice. i know its a bit much but can you please give it a shot?
oh and i saw your'e already working on a few other things, so if you get the time to do this i will be very gratefull
Thank you very much, i hope to hear from you soon

Orianna Guide // Ahri Guide // +Rep for hugs ♡ // Signature Café!!

A Special Thanks To Those Who Made Me Signatures
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PexiLexi wrote:
Type of order: wallpaper perhaps?
Image : http://www.leagueoflegendsskins.com/images/champions/splash/Malzahar_2.jpg
Text : The Void Is Eternal
Description : Make the picture look sick and i trust you. i saw your work and they're like beast so i know that you will do a good job!
Good Luck!
I'm going to use my wall paper size, but could you do me a favor and let me know your resolution?
Orianna Guide // Ahri Guide // +Rep for hugs ♡ // Signature Café!!

A Special Thanks To Those Who Made Me Signatures
>> Graphic Resources & Downloads <<
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<Altruistic Artist>