Bwong? Seriously? We have a vet here who's name is B-Wong.
♡ guide writing tips 'n tricks ♡ ashes to ashes ♡ fancy a sig? ♡
♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
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-size? The only worm I worked on was 1000x500 or 500x1000, whichever is lengthwise. That seemed a bit big but the current is too small so maybe 400x800?
-Border? Optional but the next frame shouldn't ignore it
-Color Scheme? Nothing should be set but it should go well with the previous
-Padding between images? No but you should make your submission easier for the next person I.E no fractals going to the edge of your work.
-Theme? I disagree with a theme it can really limit people and make them dis-interested. If you haven't noticed I've been avoiding anime cause I feel there is a lot of it so far.
-To create flow shall there be a common element in each piece? It will be nice if you can use a vector but a color flow will work as well so long as you give the hex code that your piece finished with and if there are any gradient maps etc on it
EDIT: I might fix up my transition from the previous but not right now, I'm tired.