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Request for banners for my guide.

Creator: gabilucmi August 8, 2017 9:29pm
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Aug 8th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2017 9:29pm | Report
I'm working on a Lee Sin guide and looking for some artists to help me with the banners since I have no experience with making banners.
1. Splash art should be SKT T1 Lee Sin.
2. I prefer yellow but your choice if it doesnt fit your work.
3. The Headers are:
- Introduction
- Pros & Cons
- Early game
- Ganking
- Mid & Late game
- Items
- Combos
4. Font of text : Your choice.

I will be very happy if you help me with making a good guide.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks Jovy for the signature
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2017 3:12pm | Report
I can make them for you if you are still interested :>

by jhoijhoi

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