So, we lately have seen that Blue Ez going on which abuses his ranged on-hit effect. Well, GP has that ranged on-hit on a low cd aswell. So, could you actually also go blue gp?
Muramana should greatly increase your harass potential as the tear solves any of your earlygame mana problems and adds lategame a big amount of damage to your Parrrley. Spirit of the Elder Lizard should work equally well as it aswell procs on Parrrley and offers even more mana regen. You can spam now dat Parrrley forever. Last Whisper is generally great on Gangplank. Iceborn Gauntlet adds another slow to your arsenal and adds more utility to your Parrrley. It also greatly increases your survivability. The only item I am not sure about is Blade of the Ruined King, either replace it with Bloodthirster or get more defense items so you can fight in meele if possible.
[quote=NicknameMy]So, we lately have seen that Blue Ez going on which abuses his ranged on-hit effect. Well, GP has that ranged on-hit on a low cd aswell. So, could you actually also go blue gp?
[[muramana]] should greatly increase your harass potential as the tear solves any of your earlygame mana problems and adds lategame a big amount of damage to your [[parrrley]]. [[spirit of the elder lizard]] should work equally well as it aswell procs on [[parrrley]] and offers even more mana regen. You can spam now dat [[parrrley]] forever. [[last whisper]] is generally great on [[gangplank]]. [[iceborn gauntlet]] adds another slow to your arsenal and adds more utility to your [[parrrley]]. It also greatly increases your survivability. The only item I am not sure about is [[blade of the ruined king]], either replace it with [[bloodthirster]] or get more defense items so you can fight in meele if possible.[/quote]
Gangplank sucks and with this build it will take him forever to dish out damage. Muramana is okay but Ravenous hydra is way stronger than Elder Lizard. Also make sure that parrrley's range isn't by far as long as ezreal's mystic shot.
[quote=GrandmasterD]Gangplank sucks and with this build it will take him forever to dish out damage. Muramana is okay but Ravenous hydra is way stronger than Elder Lizard. Also make sure that parrrley's range isn't by far as long as ezreal's mystic shot.[/quote]
Muramana should greatly increase your harass potential as the tear solves any of your earlygame mana problems and adds lategame a big amount of damage to your Parrrley. Spirit of the Elder Lizard should work equally well as it aswell procs on Parrrley and offers even more mana regen. You can spam now dat Parrrley forever. Last Whisper is generally great on Gangplank. Iceborn Gauntlet adds another slow to your arsenal and adds more utility to your Parrrley. It also greatly increases your survivability. The only item I am not sure about is Blade of the Ruined King, either replace it with Bloodthirster or get more defense items so you can fight in meele if possible.