If you think I did a good job criticizing a guide or giving helpful info, or for just being a bawz of a bro, rep would be awesome :)
Check out Dat Kha'zix Guide
Check out Dat Kha'zix Guide
Inb4 thread locked, GreenFrogs banned for "encouraging troll voting", and Athene's guide completely untouched.
If that happens I'm done with Mobafire.
If that happens I'm done with Mobafire.
Satella wrote:
Inb4 thread locked, GreenFrogs banned for "encouraging troll voting", and Athene's guide completely untouched.
If that happens I'm done with Mobafire.
I doubt this will happen :P
Yes, the Athene guide will remain untouched, because they even asked to work together with Athene, would be stupid if they would disallow Athene to do what he thinks is right (they could discuss however that we expect more of Athene, but still, there is a good chance that the guide then still wouldn't be awesome anyway)
But also; GreenFrogs will not be banned because he is right that Athene's guide is just sheepvoted like **** and the guide itself, is barely a guide.
What I think should happen though, is that, since there will be more partnerships coming, that they would have a special section apart from the normal guide system on Mobafire, disallowing Athene's guides to be amongst the "real" guides.

Picture by: Hogopogo
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This thread will probably be locked but I guess he'll get a warning, Mowen ain't that strict. Athene's guide will remain untouched unless we can prove that one of these fanboys is Athene upvoting his own guide but I doubt that he did.
Luckily it doesn't show up in several searches because it isn't officially a guide. Guess we just have to take it.
Luckily it doesn't show up in several searches because it isn't officially a guide. Guess we just have to take it.

yeah something fishy is going on. lots of the voters are accounts that are newly made with barely even 5 posts. also most of them has the same kind of grammar. and he there is even an "athene hater" named atheneisgay XDD sounds like someone is scheming.
+rep if i helped or if you just happen to like repping ^^
Alcasea wrote:
yeah something fishy is going on
I'm pretty sure he just told people to upvote his guide on stream and they did it.
Thankfully only a small fraction came; can you imagine if the guide got several thousand upvotes and got stuck at 99%?
GreenFrogs wrote:
I don't know what the exact policy mobafire has on deleting guides, but this is a pretty blatant example of cheating the system in more than one way
GreenFrogs wrote:
Hopefully this guide will be deleted as it blatantly goes against Mobafire's rules.
The rules on this actually state:
"We will only revoke votes if we find proof that the user has circumvented system protections, such as in an effort to vote multiple times on same content. This is against the site rules." (yes, I realise this is normally for downvotes, but the exact same still goes for upvotes)
Having a huge group of different people upvoting a guide is therefore currently not against the rules. That does not mean that nothing will happen and we will completely ignore this, I just wanted to clarify that.
As far as "it's not a guide at all" goes:
Matt wrote:
We understand the concerns over his Ryze guide lacking in actual guide content. We are currently addressing that and it will be updated soon!
You need to log in before commenting.
That's it. Go to the comment section and tell me what's wrong with that?
Not only is the vote completely skewed, but it's not a guide at all. It's a 15 minute long youtube video, and while the video is fine itself, it does not merit the vote it has. No where near the vote it has. I don't know what the exact policy mobafire has on deleting guides, but this is a pretty blatant example of cheating the system in more than one way. If you could do me and the rest of Mobafire a solid, it would be awesome if you just went and downvoted the guide so we could at least balance it out. That, and the fact that Athene is also completely lying about his elo which was blatantly boosted. If you don't know the full story, you can probably find it somewhere on reddit or youtube. I just don't think it's very fair for this to be allowed. All it takes is one downvote. Thanks.