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Clean and straight tables?

Creator: R3Veal March 16, 2019 8:52am
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Jul 11th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2019 8:52am | Report
How to do these kind of tables? I made them by myself but they are really crooked and it does not look that clean... (The table is in my guide under the ITEMS section)

I want to achieve this:
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Mar 6th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2019 11:38am | Report
I just looked at your guide and you need only a couple of adjustments: first, for the first nextcol, put a value that is equal for every column (for example, for every first nextcol put width=100, if 100 is not enough then 200); then put a br between every item, this way it won't be a big wall of text

Credits to Jovy!
Maintained's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2019 11:46am | Report
[table] [tr] [td width=0 padding=5][center][icon=Dead Man's Plate size=50][/center][/td] [td width=600 padding=20] If you're going [[predator]], this will be your armor item as opposed to [[righteous glory]]. [[Dead Man's Plate]] is heavy on both armor and health, but why would you take this over other armor items? Its passive gives you huge roaming potential, which is ideal for going after objectives or catching people out. It also helps you burst down their carries. Build this first over [[adaptive helm]] if their team is heavier on physical damage than magic damage. [/td] [/tr] [/table] [table] [tr] [td width=0 padding=5][center][icon=Adaptive helm size=50][/center][/td] [td width=600 padding=20] Your standard tank magic resistance item. There isn't much to say about this item. You can't utilize [[spirit visage]] as you have no built in healing, and [[abyssal mask]] costs slightly more. This item becomes really efficient against mages that spam the same abilities or have a lot of DoTs. Build this first over [[Dead Man's Plate]] if their team is heavier on magic damage than physical damage. [/td] [/tr] [/table]

Took this out of my guide so that you can just copy paste. Just change the items and text and it'll be good to go. It should look like this:
If you're going Predator, this will be your armor item as opposed to Turbo Chemtank. Dead Man's Plate is heavy on both armor and health, but why would you take this over other armor items? Its passive gives you huge roaming potential, which is ideal for going after objectives or catching people out. It also helps you burst down their carries. Build this first over Adaptive Helm if their team is heavier on physical damage than magic damage.
Your standard tank magic resistance item. There isn't much to say about this item. You can't utilize Spirit Visage as you have no built in healing, and Abyssal Mask costs slightly more. This item becomes really efficient against mages that spam the same abilities or have a lot of DoTs. Build this first over Dead Man's Plate if their team is heavier on magic damage than physical damage.

Special thanks to iPulsefire for the signature!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2019 12:00pm | Report
You can do the same thing very simply with columns, just replace X with text.

Your standard tank magic resistance item. There isn't much to say about this item. You can't utilize Spirit Visage as you have no built in healing, and Abyssal Mask costs slightly more. This item becomes really efficient against mages that spam the same abilities or have a lot of DoTs. Build this first over Dead Man's Plate if their team is heavier on magic damage than physical damage.

[columns][icon= X size=55][nextcol width=20][nextcol]X[/columns]
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Jul 11th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2019 8:41am | Report
Maintained wrote:
[table] [tr] [td width=0 padding=5][center][icon=Dead Man's Plate size=50][/center][/td] [td width=600 padding=20] If you're going [[predator]], this will be your armor item as opposed to [[righteous glory]]. [[Dead Man's Plate]] is heavy on both armor and health, but why would you take this over other armor items? Its passive gives you huge roaming potential, which is ideal for going after objectives or catching people out. It also helps you burst down their carries. Build this first over [[adaptive helm]] if their team is heavier on physical damage than magic damage. [/td] [/tr] [/table] [table] [tr] [td width=0 padding=5][center][icon=Adaptive helm size=50][/center][/td] [td width=600 padding=20] Your standard tank magic resistance item. There isn't much to say about this item. You can't utilize [[spirit visage]] as you have no built in healing, and [[abyssal mask]] costs slightly more. This item becomes really efficient against mages that spam the same abilities or have a lot of DoTs. Build this first over [[Dead Man's Plate]] if their team is heavier on magic damage than physical damage. [/td] [/tr] [/table]

Took this out of my guide so that you can just copy paste. Just change the items and text and it'll be good to go. It should look like this:
If you're going Predator, this will be your armor item as opposed to Turbo Chemtank. Dead Man's Plate is heavy on both armor and health, but why would you take this over other armor items? Its passive gives you huge roaming potential, which is ideal for going after objectives or catching people out. It also helps you burst down their carries. Build this first over Adaptive Helm if their team is heavier on physical damage than magic damage.
Your standard tank magic resistance item. There isn't much to say about this item. You can't utilize Spirit Visage as you have no built in healing, and Abyssal Mask costs slightly more. This item becomes really efficient against mages that spam the same abilities or have a lot of DoTs. Build this first over Dead Man's Plate if their team is heavier on magic damage than physical damage.

How do I make items names under the icons?
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2019 9:04am | Report
just put the text under where the icon code is like this:

[table] [tr] [td width=0 padding=5][center][icon=Dead Man's Plate size=50] Dead Man's Plate[/center][/td] [td width=600 padding=20] If you're going [[predator]], this will be your armor item as opposed to [[righteous glory]]. [[Dead Man's Plate]] is heavy on both armor and health, but why would you take this over other armor items? Its passive gives you huge roaming potential, which is ideal for going after objectives or catching people out. It also helps you burst down their carries. Build this first over [[adaptive helm]] if their team is heavier on physical damage than magic damage. [/td] [/tr] [/table][code]

Dead Man's Plate
If you're going Predator, this will be your armor item as opposed to Turbo Chemtank. Dead Man's Plate is heavy on both armor and health, but why would you take this over other armor items? Its passive gives you huge roaming potential, which is ideal for going after objectives or catching people out. It also helps you burst down their carries. Build this first over Adaptive Helm if their team is heavier on physical damage than magic damage.
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Jul 11th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2019 11:33am | Report
Thanks but when I do this for every item in my table it goes like it was before (crooked and not clean). Is there a way to "center" the icons and names under them?

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