abot sumonners rift:
Hã, why would you jungle? Just get mid with morg and annie... akali IDK
Farm a lot early game, when the turrets start being pushed start to fight, but if you can, keep farming... for your level, probably 100 farm is awesome '-' if you reach 200 is a huge farm (at least compared to my games)
Masteries, I think you should get 9 on offense for magic penetration, them get utility three [:
Hã, why would you jungle? Just get mid with morg and annie... akali IDK
Farm a lot early game, when the turrets start being pushed start to fight, but if you can, keep farming... for your level, probably 100 farm is awesome '-' if you reach 200 is a huge farm (at least compared to my games)
Masteries, I think you should get 9 on offense for magic penetration, them get utility three [:

Knigrowedamus wrote:
Also, here is my general gameplan
Lvl1-8 farm a lane, solo top or mid
8-12 jungle for buff
12-18 push and gank
level 1-8 is farming and pushing a lane, if you have a good partner you can get a tower down within this time.
level 8-12 you should be ganking, roaming if you have to, helping push lanes (Unless the laning phase isn't over) And you really only need red buff for your ganks, Blue helps out but not near as much.
level 12-18 You should be doing the same thing as 8-12, although by now teamfights will have started (Or should have) So, don't go rambo. And don't go off by yourself even to gank another player that LOOKS like he's alone unless he is extremely over extended.
And what Max said is true, you shouldn't be jungling on Akali other than grabbing your read/stealing their buffs/dragon
What other champs do you play?

Knigrowedamus wrote:
Hello all.
A friend of mine intoduced me to l.o.l
im a former diablo 2 player. This games is a mixture of d2 and wow i guess.
Im having a small problem however.
I play anne, morgana, and akali. There are so many guides here on all champs, but it seems that they all cater to lvl 30 summoners :(
Im lvl, im saving my IP For lvl 20, where ruins, gliphs etc are more worth while.
Lets take akali for example. There is a guide about here called the epitome of the assassin.
She is built to have 50 ap from lvl with runes. I dont have any.
The problem is that id have to start with an amplifying tome out the gate leaving me slow.
Then i buy boots, health potions, then hex revolver.
At that point im lvl 6 and could start asistin or ganking, but i have no Ap. Dominion goes too fast and i often fall behind due to lack of cash. S.r is a little better, BUT i wil get outlaned due to lack of ap.
So here is what i do.
In s.r. I build amp tome-boots of speed, 3 more amp tomes-hex revolver- raliys rod-
At the point, im behind, no matter how i well i last hit farm, and pick up a couple kills.
If not, inbuild litch blade- deathcap- fimish the hex gunblade, and if the game is still going, abyss rod.
On a good game, i go 10/4/6
Bad game2/10/5
I just dont do enough damage i duuno.
I play her i. 3v3 treeline, 5v5 summoners rift, and dominion.
Thank you guys!
Hi I'm the creator of that guide.
I don't know if you noticed, but I do have different starting items for activating at least one passive up front.

EDIT: I see you go

Starting out early you should go into

Take level one

All I can say is, you're level 12 and you still may need practice on her. I play

If you need anymore help, just message me.
EDIT #2: WTF?? 8-12 jungling for buff? I suggest you read my guide over again. The only good thing about jungling is for the red, and if you happen to pass by a neutral creep switching lanes, take it. But not for 4 levels, no wonder you're behind in AP x.x..
Just try every champion out you can until your level 30 , don't rush trying to master one guy because later on this will only hurt you not help you.
thankyou all for your prompt replies!!!!! :D
i may just give her up till im lvl 20
the thing is , people my lvl are f@#%king stupid im sorry.
out of 10 games, i playh 2 with good teams where we discuus champs and tactics, not just people picking thier favorite" imma try and stack kills with master yi and tyranamere" gameplay.
i do play morgana but its ketting boring.
when i play annie, everyone LOOKS for me and tried to kill me because of my high burst/ap build.
im not an expert, but i do know how to fill my role on an orgainzed tream.
also, i cant spell :P
i may just give her up till im lvl 20
the thing is , people my lvl are f@#%king stupid im sorry.
out of 10 games, i playh 2 with good teams where we discuus champs and tactics, not just people picking thier favorite" imma try and stack kills with master yi and tyranamere" gameplay.
i do play morgana but its ketting boring.
when i play annie, everyone LOOKS for me and tried to kill me because of my high burst/ap build.
im not an expert, but i do know how to fill my role on an orgainzed tream.
also, i cant spell :P
Knigrowedamus wrote:
the thing is , people my lvl are f@#%king stupid im sorry.
Oh dear..... Ohh dear....
You think.... it gets better?
Oh my..No... It only get worse..
Like I said in the QQ thread awhile there are 3 or 4 people I play with all the time, and that's because out of the 100's of people in my friends list They to me, are not idiots, I can have fun playing with them AND still win games.
And the randoms only get worse... You best be finding yourself one or two people at the very mimimum to start playing with

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A friend of mine intoduced me to l.o.l
im a former diablo 2 player. This games is a mixture of d2 and wow i guess.
Im having a small problem however.
I play anne, morgana, and akali. There are so many guides here on all champs, but it seems that they all cater to lvl 30 summoners :(
Im lvl, im saving my IP For lvl 20, where ruins, gliphs etc are more worth while.
Lets take akali for example. There is a guide about here called the epitome of the assassin.
She is built to have 50 ap from lvl with runes. I dont have any.
The problem is that id have to start with an amplifying tome out the gate leaving me slow.
Then i buy boots, health potions, then hex revolver.
At that point im lvl 6 and could start asistin or ganking, but i have no Ap. Dominion goes too fast and i often fall behind due to lack of cash. S.r is a little better, BUT i wil get outlaned due to lack of ap.
So here is what i do.
In s.r. I build amp tome-boots of speed, 3 more amp tomes-hex revolver- raliys rod-
At the point, im behind, no matter how i well i last hit farm, and pick up a couple kills.
If not, inbuild litch blade- deathcap- fimish the hex gunblade, and if the game is still going, abyss rod.
On a good game, i go 10/4/6
Bad game2/10/5
I just dont do enough damage i duuno.
I play her i. 3v3 treeline, 5v5 summoners rift, and dominion.
Thank you guys!