caucheka wrote:
whats the rest of your amumu build like?
i agree it sounds like it could be a good item (amumu has some great ratios.) i just think more tank items would be worth it.
When I am not jungling in a game where the enemy is even ad and ap my build usually goes:

When I am jungling:

Of course you are a tank so depending on the situation, it may get altered slightly. I have found this to work amazingly in both normal and ranked.
See the reason I will some ap into the mix is that now you are doing some serious damage so they have to deal with you, but at the same time with that spell vamp you are extremely difficult to kill, and then with guardians after they kill you, you just come back.
Jebus McAzn wrote:
Although you really don't need Sorc Shoes since your passive reduces MR and MPen can't bring MR below zero. Scepter is best.
What boots would you suggest for in the place of Sorcerer's Shoes. I just like that you get the additional magic penetration on everyone without having to hit your enemy first.
Jebus McAzn wrote:
Merc treads.
Or merc treads.
Or, if you don't like merc treads, use merc treads instead.
In some situations you'll want to use merc treads, but most of the time you should be using merc treads.
Or ninja tabis >:-D trololo
but seriously. Consider ninja tabi if you're playing against an enemy team with no magic damage whatsoever, and no CC either.
Jebus McAzn wrote:
Merc treads.
Or merc treads.
Or, if you don't like merc treads, use merc treads instead.
In some situations you'll want to use merc treads, but most of the time you should be using merc treads.
So you don't think Boots of Swiftness are ever a good idea?
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