Faker said the skill of NA solo queue isn't much different than Korean solo queue, very interesting.
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Faker said the skill of NA solo queue isn't much different than Korean solo queue, very interesting.
Then again, his name IS Faker...
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i mean faker has historically been VERY PR-friendly. Wouldn't take too much from what he says tbh (anyone remember hotshotgg lb > faker lb)
KR soloq is definitely miles above NA soloq - ask any pro from any region and they'll tel you that. now whether or not that is the case in elos below master / challenger that's debateable.
KR soloq is definitely miles above NA soloq - ask any pro from any region and they'll tel you that. now whether or not that is the case in elos below master / challenger that's debateable.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Vapora Dark wrote:

As you can see by the assists he's getting carried by his team, shoulda gone with my build Kappa.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
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