Vapora Dark wrote:
Disclaimer: If I do end up getting Challenger, I won't be cheap and verify it on MOBAFire.
You could totally do that though and it would be fair. Other people verify EUNE accounts after all.
Is the ping any different btw? I'm not very familiar with the difference in location between those two servers.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
PsiGuard wrote:
You could totally do that though and it would be fair. Other people verify EUNE accounts after all.
Is the ping any different btw? I'm not very familiar with the difference in location between those two servers.
Can't speak for Vapora but I usually get around the same ping (50 ± 10)

He doesn't play on it anymore because I gave him a EUW account which he can use for his once a year game with his friends.
PsiGuard wrote:
You could totally do that though and it would be fair. Other people verify EUNE accounts after all.
Is the ping any different btw? I'm not very familiar with the difference in location between those two servers.
It's different IMO with actual EUNE players because that's their actual server. Me getting Challenger on EUNE to verify it on my MOBAFire account is just taking a short cut. And saying I'm Challenger on EUNE to most people sounds way more impressive than Master on EUW, even though apparently it might not be, so it's like intentionally deceiving people in regards to my actual skill level.
I get 7 more ping on EUNE.
Joxuu wrote:
You should've hooked up with me for eune account.
It'll be a lot quicker climbing this way, and I didn't use this account for anything else these days anyway.

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And that got me thinking "Holy ****, is the gap between EUW and EUNE really that huge?". So I figured I'd check it out for myself! I've transferred the account Vapora (used to be "hey its talon") onto EUNE, and I'm going to see if I can half-***ed'ly get Challenger on EUNE.
Disclaimer: If I do end up getting Challenger, I won't be cheap and verify it on MOBAFire.
Here's the result of my adventure so far!
Do not be fooled friends, for this is not EUNE plat 1, but EUNE diamond 1(ish).
So, let's see how this goes!