It is known by the regulars that i suck :p
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
A few people have been nagging me about not having reached plat yet, and some of the people who got there have motivated me towards doing it as well. Played 3 ranked games today, all victories. First was Elise jungle, where I didn't do well at all since I either reached the lane when the enemy laner was dead/gank was happening and my laner was dead and I couldn't clean up, or as I started getting kills people would blow their flashes to kill me. I'm not kidding but I died 5 times, all of those deaths flashed into.
Second game I picked Diana onto an Anivia, they first blooded me on blue with an invasion ( Shen/ Anivia/ Leona) and Shen jungle (lol) got the kill. From then on I got 9 kills and didn't die once, their Anivia was pretty bad and I was able to troll a nice bit and just dance around fights.
Last game was just now:
First blood on Kha with Ignite, then a kill top, then I gave a kill bot, etc etc. Died once to Nasus, who actually got good cs and early Q damage from coming to the lanes to push to tower after the laner was dead. He did some good ganks but we snowballed on them pretty fast. Plus, Ezreal went manmode summoner spells and his ***** was cut off.
People play sobad during summer
Second game I picked Diana onto an Anivia, they first blooded me on blue with an invasion ( Shen/ Anivia/ Leona) and Shen jungle (lol) got the kill. From then on I got 9 kills and didn't die once, their Anivia was pretty bad and I was able to troll a nice bit and just dance around fights.
Last game was just now:
First blood on Kha with Ignite, then a kill top, then I gave a kill bot, etc etc. Died once to Nasus, who actually got good cs and early Q damage from coming to the lanes to push to tower after the laner was dead. He did some good ganks but we snowballed on them pretty fast. Plus, Ezreal went manmode summoner spells and his ***** was cut off.
People play sobad during summer
Its the summer time... KIDS ARE BAD :D we should duo, and i'll play quinn, and man mode everyone and you'll be like :O
First series for Gold 3 got my heart bleeding. The amount of accumulated stupidity is amazing
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I dunno polse, people have made that question so many times I thought it was known by the regulars. You still suck.
Also, played more games today, at ~60 LP in Gold IV, people are still major morons it's beautiful. I even saw stuff like Caitlyn E away from the Sona she was trying to kill, Ahri miss her ult 3 times while chasing our Draven, finally manage to pass the dragon wall with flash and dying coz no mana left hurr durr, Riven die 2v1 at our red and giving first blood even though she had spent the entire time knowing the jungler and top were there while trying to trade at a disadvantage, etc. Also, I got another triple kill today as Lulu, got dived by a Nasus, Leona and Varus. I did die at the end tho :c