Was lagging a bit this game but it was an easy stomp. People were freaking out that they got a blitz, but I just told them to chill out and it worked :D jannacarrypls
Lost my promo but got back into it again... lul I was lagging throughout the cait game, or I would've done better, but honestly this jax fed a lot so there was very little chance. Second game I was lagging a lot too, but Malph, Swain and I wombo comboed our ults/skills so the teamfights weren't hard :)
Series Game 1
Series Game 2
WON :DD back in B3 First game was weird, had to play yorick mid for some reason and we didn't do too well early, but our teamfighting was stronger and the lulu (adc) got fed. Second game their shen afked :/ felt kinda bad but it was my promo :) Didn't really **** on the kha, but I kept roaming bot and finding kills on jinx and zac (jungler but went bot because of shen).
HOW TO CS MANG. My cs is so low -.- like really really low.
Series Game 2
WON :DD back in B3 First game was weird, had to play yorick mid for some reason and we didn't do too well early, but our teamfighting was stronger and the lulu (adc) got fed. Second game their shen afked :/ felt kinda bad but it was my promo :) Didn't really **** on the kha, but I kept roaming bot and finding kills on jinx and zac (jungler but went bot because of shen).
HOW TO CS MANG. My cs is so low -.- like really really low.
Meh this game was a throw. The yi was horribad and the lee + Jax got fed by him, almost to the point where the jax could 3 aa me :(
That feel when your duo partner is the one who is trolling :( Well, they picked eve into my ahri (idk why) but I got fed, sion got fed, and we carried :)
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Getting better at janna! Sivir went man-mode and got a double kill at lvl 2, and the game was pretty much over :/ Messed up my shield a few times this game, albeit a lot less then before, I still think I could improve to be better at janna.