It was meant to be like goal for Season 4, not thread for the actual season.
The other can be locked, yes.
Thank you.
The other can be locked, yes.
Thank you.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Very first game after the promo series;

They put a lot into global pressure while we focused late-game.
Bottom was ganked to hell and we lost towers really fast with 5 man pushes,
we couldn't control any dragons either, but thanks to this
was at inhibitor tower at 20th minute and
Nasus was farmed.
Then we just wrecked everything in team fights. Had couple close calls
where someone go caught while
Nasus was splitpushing and we almost
got aced, but we just had too strong picks.

They put a lot into global pressure while we focused late-game.
Bottom was ganked to hell and we lost towers really fast with 5 man pushes,
we couldn't control any dragons either, but thanks to this

was at inhibitor tower at 20th minute and

Then we just wrecked everything in team fights. Had couple close calls
where someone go caught while

got aced, but we just had too strong picks.
I know you're not serious but I'm pretty sure Doublelift would quit the game if he got 283 cs in 51 minutes :D
By the way, what were your LP gains like in gold I? Is it anything like silver I or is it normal if you have a good MMR (which you seem to have)? I could probably check your other thread but I'm too lazy so I'll just ask :3
By the way, what were your LP gains like in gold I? Is it anything like silver I or is it normal if you have a good MMR (which you seem to have)? I could probably check your other thread but I'm too lazy so I'll just ask :3
Wayne3100 wrote:
I know you're not serious but I'm pretty sure Doublelift would quit the game if he got 283 cs in 51 minutes :D
By the way, what were your LP gains like in gold I? Is it anything like silver I or is it normal if you have a good MMR (which you seem to have)? I could probably check your other thread but I'm too lazy so I'll just ask :3
Was hard to cs against

In Gold I, I went exactly something like this:
+22, +22, +22, +22, +3, +3, +3, (lost) -3, +6
Propably just going to main
Caitlyn and
I've had the most success with them and enjoyed playing both
for long time now.
Been practicing both very long now and still going for
more mechanics and strategies. Both are so strong
and I doubt there is any other adc as good as
these two mechanic wise.
So for the remaining months I will propably just practice
Vayne +
Caitlyn and main them in S4 ranked and
get to higher tiers that way. I'll see what the pre-season
brings tough.
The incoming support changes to vision for example didn't
get me excited, so I will drop support to second pick more likely.

I've had the most success with them and enjoyed playing both
for long time now.
Been practicing both very long now and still going for
more mechanics and strategies. Both are so strong
and I doubt there is any other adc as good as
these two mechanic wise.
So for the remaining months I will propably just practice

get to higher tiers that way. I'll see what the pre-season
brings tough.
The incoming support changes to vision for example didn't
get me excited, so I will drop support to second pick more likely.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Hello my two legged friends. This is my ranked thread for the upcoming season 6 and I will try to keep this thread updated of my progress as much as I can. I will only be focusing on games with my main account "Jjoxuu" so I'll refrain from posting any smurf achievements here and instead place them to the other thread so it doesn't get confusing.
Season 6 roster
I haven't really changed my main role for season 6 as I still main jungle and it's a notch or two above rest of the lanes. The only major difference across the board is the kind of champions I play. The faster meta prefers early game champions and generally just champions with snowball potential so I gave up on the season 5 tank meta champions.
Roster in order of preference
Last season
I did not accomplish my season 5 goal which was high diamond. The highest point I reached was diamond 3 promotions which I ended up losing along with my motivation. I found climbing without motivation to be meaningless so I ended up smurfing 4 accounts to diamond instead which was also meaningless I could say.
Goal for season 6
My goal for season 6 is to abandon the pointless smurfing I've been doing the past two seasons and just focus on my main account. I'm aiming for high diamond once again, I'd be happy with diamond 3 but ultimately I'd like to reach diamond 2/1 which is reasonable in my opinion.