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Lord Kesharq trying his luck again (Season 6...

Creator: Lord Kesharq January 31, 2016 9:52am
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 5:19am | Report
VexRoth wrote:
Most invaders are snowbally champions. Think Lee Sin, Shaco, Rengar, Ekko. Quite a few people play them for the early cheese invades. The thing is a lot of them don't know what to do if their early cheese fails. So not dying to it means you've essentially won your lane (in this case the jungle).

I quite often don't do my Blue or Red Buff in my first clear because you get too low, either in health or mana. Blue and Red Buff freaking hurt. Alternatively you can do them, but you need to either pull the buff monster into the brush to deny vision of you and the buff monster to invaders or you need to stand with your back against the wall of the camp area so you can flash over it if you do get invaded and are too low to fight.

Ugh i think u just listed the triade of jungle hate right there (minus Ekko for me) lol. I normally got Frog, then blue, then either Wolfs or Rift scttler (depending on the champ am playing and what side am on, in this case right side) then either gank mid or go top side. Nice idea on the standing near the wall when doing camps, am defo going to use that one, while also trying to rememeber to pull stuff into bushes when i believe its warded.

VexRoth wrote:
My usual route Blue side is to do Krugs, drop a ward in the Red Buff bush, Raptors. Assess my lanes. If the enemy isn't pushed in Mid or Bot then I skip Red and go clear the other side of my jungle taking Blue buff first if I have a champ that uses mana. This gives me maximum up time on the map. The ward in the Red Buff bush is to spot invaders who will usually come looking for you there because if they can Smite steal your Red and kill you they are golden.

If your laners are pushed in, I will instead opt to take Red so I can gank at level 3. Now one thing I've found that can help you against invaders at Red (is that ward in the bush) plus kiting the camp in the opposite direction from the bush (think an inverted V where the bush is one leg and the other leg is where you want to kite the camp too). This will prevent a Lee Sin from Q'ing over the wall and the ward will reveal anyone that enters the bush given you time to get either Smite the camp and get out of there or go aggro on them if you feel like you are in a position to do so.

Ty for the info here, very intresting. I will have to start trying this method more from now on as i can see the logic behind this. Iv always gone for buff to help avoid ppl stealing them (at least that was my logic) however i can see why u wouldnt as as u point out it gives u more time on the map if u dont do em till last.

VexRoth wrote:
I'm still working out the kinks on Red side start. I have had two ***ehole Lee Sins in two different games steal my Blue Buff when I was playing Udyr. They didn't try to fight me, just stole my buff and ran off forcing me to go for a Hunter's Potion so I would have enough mana to clear.

Tracker's Knife - if you are used to one of the other Smite buffs then Tracker's will take some getting used to. You'll probably find yourself trying to Smite a target and have nothing happen, which can be disconcerting. I usually only get it if I'm getting invaded or I'm against an Evelynn. Against her you need to keep her buff camps warded if you want to have any idea of where she is at. However, I find that I'm counter jungling enough these days that I'm considering getting the Tracker's Knife more often. Being able to drop two Stealth Wards in their jungle can prove to be be very valuable. Also by running tracker's I feel comfortable running a Sweeping Lens or Oracle Lens in my trinket slot. Being able to both ward and de-ward as a jungler who is already going to be running around the map makes for a good combination. It lets you ward for laner's that don't have a ward out and clear wards near their lanes so the enemy laners have to be somewhat concerned about what might be in that bush.

VexRoth wrote:
I buy a Vision Ward practically every time I go back to base. If you kill one ward with it has basically paid for itself. If it spots one gank it has probably saved you at least 300g. Cheap at twice the 75gp. I constantly move them around depending on what I'm trying to do. If you are going to try and gank a lane with a champion that has stealth you will want to buy one before heading over for the gank. Drop the thing right in the middle of the lane. Vision will help you get back in games you are losing and help you snowball games you are winning.

I also do try and buy a Vision Ward every time i back unless i cant afford it or my Vision Ward is still up and not seeming to be killed anytime soon. How often do you move them around? as i normally just place em in one of the the 4 jungle/river entry points unless am playing against a Rengar in which case i will keep 1 with me and place em when am counter ganking (also been trying to remember to buy em when against Talon. Oh i know, Vision is very important, however sometimes i feel i ward more than my team do, defo pink wards anyway, as am always reminding people to place/buy pink wards...not that many people listern to me lol.

VexRoth wrote:
If I'm not squishy, I usually let the non-squishes on my team buy the Farsight Alteration, unless we are pinned in our base. Then I will buy one too because it is too dangerous to ward or de-ward. If I'm squishy and I don't have a good way of bush checking, like Kayle, then Farsight Alteration is the way to go.

Yeah i normally only get Farsight Alteration if were losing or its late game and we need baron/dragon vision cos my team is not warding those areas, other wise i stick with the warding tringet. Is it worth picking it up more often and maybe earlier than say 35 minutes? or is sticking with the normal yellow warding one fine? (unless am using Tracker's Knife in which case i will auto pick up the Sweepers).

Thanks for the info again man, a intresting read, now i have to try and remember to use this advice.

Also ah good good, nice to find another person who enjoys scrap, also i dont remember seeing that video u posted, ty for it, it was another intresting watch (more stuff to remember lol).
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 5:50am | Report

Game 20

I played Ziggs...didnt do much but a win is a win.

This game was basically my friend Darkjedii93 going ham on Xin Zhao and owning like a boss while the rest of the team just err fed?. I became a damage support basically and a wave clearer (via ulti bombs), am also very glad i took Exhast this game as it ****ed Master Yi and Zed over a couple of times lol.

Nothing much else to say about this game after that, i pretty much only played Ziggs cos i felt like it.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 5:55am | Report

Game 21

I played Ziggs again, also duoed with Darkjedii93 again (we also got matched with the Jinx from last game.

This game was a mess from around 6/7 minutes in, our bot lane devoled into a mess of arguing and feeding, Dark (my duo who was playing Udyr) got rekted and nothing went well this game, at around 12 minutes in bot lane was gone and Jinx had AFKed (she refused to leave the span point and had by now pissed off the entier team, not just our support who was flaming her for being unable to play Jinx and not being able to avoid there bliztcrank hooks, she also flamed the rest of us, i tried to clam people and talk jinx back into playing but gave up and muted her) and we basically just played a hold till 20 game.

I farmed well, and was able to keep my deaths down (and i even picked up a kill on Vi when she ****ed up a gank on mid) but i seem to have been the only bright side to a very poor game.

(How that Jinx was high silver last season is beyond me, after playing with her twice, i didnt see anything which made me believe he was at a high silver skill level).
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 7:04am | Report

Game 22

So some more friends wanted to play with with us and so we became a 4 man premade (iv not learnt my lession...). End result, we lost after a epic defence and a pretty damn close game.

So i decided to play Rammus due to us needed a tank and they had a lot of AD. Our Yasuo for the first 25 minutes was ****. He did nothing but feed and was generally negative however besides him everyone else was doing ok

Things started to go against us however pretty fast, despite Yasuo starting to come back into the game later on, it also started getting harder and harder for us. I for the most part focused on Warding and just being a Rammus. By around 37-39 minutes we were down to just our nexus towers and random inhibs and we started a epic defence which saw us winning like 4 team fights in a row and was even able to get a baron steal however we could not get back into the game as even when we won a fight most of our team would have been killed off and our pushing power was not great.

But yeah in the end they were able to get a baron which we could not contest due to either our Yasuo or Thresh got caught out and so we had to defend but in a 4v5 we just coundnt hold and they aced us.

Not happy with my CS this game at all, 134 CS in 54 minutes is poor.

My warding was good i believe

I enjoy playing random Rammus games, however i need to learn him better.

Am sure there was plenty of mistakes i made but well i just need more exp on Rammus and am still trying to take in the tips and info people have given me lately (Aka VexRoth, ty again man)
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
Lord Kesharq's Forum Avatar
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 9:27am | Report

Game 23

Damn...Really wanted to play Kayle this game but my team forced me into picking a tank otherwise we would have been tankless, end result another defeat.

The main reason of our defeat here, our Master Yi was a idiot/troll. There was nothing we could do to stop him annoyingly and bot lane had a rough as hell game, i did what i could to help top and bot but there was not much i can do at the end of the day when am having to go full tank pretty much and cant deal any damage (also my team hardly warded and never seemed ale to avoid Blitzcrank hooks.

I made some mistakes, like not going blue smite and not putting out enough pink wards. I also maybe should have focused Bot lane more than i did as i gave most of my help to top to try and get him rolling even if it was a Teemo he at least was being nice, and was warding and was just generally easier to work with that our bot. However later into the game he just got the **** focused out of him and yeah it ruined the lead he had had.

End of the day this was a sad defeat, maybe i should have just gone Kayle as i wanted and gave the middle finger to my team but then we would have been tankless and i doubt my Kayle could have done much to turn this around.

I love playing Skarner he is my main go to tank jungler (besides Warwick and Hecarim) but this game i couldnt do anything on him and really should not have played him, i never felt useful this game at all.

I should have gone Blue smite or the vision smite(green one) not Red smite, a silly mistake on my part which am still questioning now as to why i did it.

Shouldnt have focused so much on top maybe, bot lane was bad, but i could have done more to try and maybe turn it around down there, however the compleat lack of vision in the bot lane, and there arguing with Yi made me wanna stay clear of them, also they pretty much never avoided a hook from there Blitzcrank.

(funny note: even the other team was flaming our yi for being so bad and trolling on yi lol..)
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 9:57am | Report

Game 24

Ah back to the good stuff.

Got to Kayle jungle this game, and after the last game i was in no mood to suffer another defeat if possible (defo since my win/loss ratio is getting horrible to look at). Was a bit worried this game when the other team locked in Tryndamere and then Vayne and Warwick but in the end i didnt need to have worried.

I warded well, ganked well (kill surcured a bit too many kills maybe lol) and control the jungle well. Our Jinx snowballed hard and i made it my job in teamfights to only use my ulti either on her or myself, and it paid off.

The only person who didnt do to well this game was our top lane who kept getting random lag spikes and did some questionable plays but we were able to work around his problems and win the game.

My CS was fine this game

Kill surcured a bit too much this game, but after last couple of games i was in no mood to risk falling behind or letting kills escape.

There Warwick and Vayne were not trolling, they just didnt have very good games. Warwick got left to die by his team twice when he tried to make plays onto our jinx and whenever he did i would cast my R on her asap if she was in range meaning he couldnt then do much + i would then drop my heal on her to give her a speed up away from him and to restore any damage he was able to do making him then useless.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2016 12:16pm | Report

Game 25

Oops....terrible game here. I played a few normal games before this game where we needed some AD as we had a lot of Ap so had been playing Nocturne a lot and did ok on him, i then got offered to duo (seriously why cant i learn my lession) with the our teams Sona and Jinx....shouldnt have accpected lol.

Again i got owned by a bloody Udyr getting first blooded by him after pinging like mad for help which never came, i then died a couple more times in both my jungle while trying to fight people and while trying to gank (aka our mid laner who when ever i ganked would turn and run from the fight and leave me to die then go in afterwards, also proceeded to flame me for feeding her lane).

How we lasted 33 minutes i dont know, but yeah this was a bad game, i made plenty of mistakes and fed, i should have warded more, ganked less, gone a bit tanky earlier and i also forgot to get the Tracker's Knife as i compleatly lost focus on the game.

Also need to work on my Nocturne more it seems, i used to be pretty good on him and had done well in the games before this but oh well.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2016 12:55pm | Report
OK a long 3 game post here, sin screenshots as i forgot to screen any of these next 3 games, mostly due to losing games and being annoyed at the end of it:

Game 26
- Role : Jungle
- Champion: Malphite
- Outcome: Defeat (44 minutes)
- Score: 8-8-14
- Wards: 3 Pinks, 16 normals, 2 killed
- CS: 136
- Build: Bule smite/ cinderhulk - Boots of Swiftness - Dead Man`s Plate - Abyssal Mask - Warmogs Armour

Teams: (mine) Talon Top, Jinx ADC, Sona Support, Lux mid.
Other team: Bard support, Xin Zhao jungle, Ezreal ADC, Vladimir Mid, Kayle top.

This game...we BADLY needed a tank and my team put up a **** storm when i said i could play Skarner as we had 0 tanks and am ok with him but yeah, they wanted Malphite cos he was not banned and since the other team picked away my Kayle to use into our Talon (other wise i would have picked her and gave my team the finger) i bowed to there demands and played Malphite for the first time this season.

Gotta say i kinda like playing him jungle lol. Ok his early game is **** but when u hit 6 at least he can gank like a ton of bricks via his ulti lol.

Basically to sum this game up, the game dragged out to late game and we lost cos we couldnt handle them with just me as the tank and yeah we lost our early lead which we had gotten.

Game 27

- Role : Top
- Champion: Jax
- Outcome: Defeat (20 minutes)
- Score: 0-5-0
- Wards: 1 Pinks, 7 normals, 2 killed
- CS: 85
- Build: Nothing of note lol (it was that bad)

Teams: (mine) Talon mid (same guy as last game), Jinx ADC, Annie Support, Xin Zhao Jungle
Other team: Thresh support, Elise jungle, Ezreal ADC, Fizz Mid, Irelia top.

I should not have played this game. Long story short we got hammered into next week, My team sucked, i got camped top by there Elise who ganked top around 12 times in 20 mintes the game lasted while our Xin Zhao never came top once. There was nothing i could do in this game, i was stuck under my towers the entier game, with Elise babysitting there Irelia they would just poke me down and then tower dive me when they felt like it, and every time i was able to push out Elise was there in a flash.

Meanwhile our jungler ****ing sucked, he didnt even counter jungle there Elise while she was camping me, hell he didnt do ****. Our bot lane got rekted even tho it was a 2v2 lane and our mid laner did what he could. I was glad when we surrendered.

Am a bad top laner, i would have normally have gone Poppy or Aatrox but Poppy was banned and my team again made a fuss about me wanting to play a champion that was not what they wanted (aka Aatrox) so again i played what they wanted (in this case Jax) and yeah.

Game 28

- Role : Jungle
- Champion: Jax
- Outcome: Defeat (42 minutes)
- Score: 4-5-6
- Wards: 3 Pinks, 16 normals, 1 killed
- CS: 148
- Build: Jax items lol

Teams: (mine) Talon top (same guy as last game again), Jinx ADC, Lux Support, Anivia Mid
Other team: Sona support, Diana jungle, Lucian ADC, Viktor Mid, Rengar top.

This game was close as ****, and we really should have won it. Out of the 3 games this was by far the best one. Everything went well for the first 20 minutes then things stalled out, then it was a game of swings as we made plays and then the other team did which had differnet levels of sucsess. In the end we lost this game in a very bad top side jungle fight when we got baited into a baron fight and Talon got picked off along with Jinx for no return kill which allowed the other team to close out the game.

Over all 3 games which really could have gone better. I also need to stop giving into my team as in all 3 games i played champs i didnt want to play "for the team".
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
Lord Kesharq's Forum Avatar
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2016 2:48pm | Report

Game 29

After quite a few losses which was really getting me down, i finally won a game with my boy Malzahar.

Got to go mid and was against another bloody Lux, however this one didnt seem to know what to do as i owned her in lane pretty well and only died to her once.

Our Miss Fortune snowballed very hard this game, while the rest of the team kinda just played meh, i kinda became a ***it machine after around the late mid game rolled around as i just couldnt seem to pick up any kills lol, however i did provide plenty of damage and it helpped us to win teamfights.

Nothing much else to say about this game.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
Lord Kesharq's Forum Avatar
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2016 3:20pm | Report

Game 30

Got to go Kayle jungle again, end result - Victory.

I finally defeated a ******** Udyr, tho to be fair this one was pretty bad. I generally outplayed him, out ganked him and generally did better. Our bot lane owned the foes bot lane, and our top laner was generally fine against Fiora (mixed results, they killed each other a few times early game and that was the top lane story.

I focused mostly on Mid lane this game as bot and top was doing fine, so i focused on snowballing LeBlanc which worked perfectly as again i focused on using my ulti on either her or sometimes our Xin Zhao when he dived into there team. Am kinda diserpointed with my CS this game but oh well.

Overall a very nice game with not really any periods where it looked like the game was going to turn against us. Why cant i have more games like this? also this is the first time in awhile i have won 2 games in a row lol, maybe its the start or something?
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)

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