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Ah well, my internet held itself together for this 23 minute stomp; I must say that although I'm not a huge fan of jungling J4 is pretty fun to play.
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
Finally got a win with Xerath, I enjoy playing him and consider myself fairly good with him but somehow I was 0-3 with him lol, despite good personal scores in all 3 of the first games.
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
And the reign of the Mid Lane Monkey King continues. Bot fed at the beginning of the game but J4, Galio, and I managed to swing things around, pick up some objectives, and land Ashe some kills which lead to us winning teamfights hard.
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
It was clearly my build and not the two enemy afk's that won us this game. My one death was a platform dive, basically Garen and Amumu failed a switch, and I think Amumu tried to dodge but left it a little too late since he never connected in loading screen. I actually don't feel remotely gulity about this since this is maybe my third or forth win from an enemy afk while I've lost probably ~18 games this season from someone on my team leaving so yeah.
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
tehAsian wrote:
Apparently not, since you're able to stomp people even with that terrible build.
Try Dblade start > Ghostblade > Brutalizer > Cleaver > LW.
Lmao, so Last Whipser + Black Cleaver is bad on an AD Caster? And Hydra too? And yeah starting dorans blade on a melee champ in mid lane seems like a brilliant idea.
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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****. This. ****ing. Game.
Or more accurately, **** my normally-completely-fine-internet that decides to troll me and shut down just as we were engaging the teamfight that would've ended the game (we were winning by a lot). I came back a full ~6 minutes later just in time to watch the enemy destroy our Nexus, gg. I didn't lag at all at any point during the game, just suddenly pressed R and then couldn't move, wouldn't reconnect me either so I had to restart my computer.
Oh and my win rate with Kassadin plummets even lower despite yet another good game. I think its like 30% right now but I'm actually quite good with Kass, I just always get afk's and really bad luck or something I dont even know.